Chapter 37 (Hard Pill To Swallow)

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Alexa was on Braun Strowman's back as he ran around backstage having a race with Big E who had his girlfriend Kaitlyn on his back and they were all running with the rest of the locker room playing with them

Alexa:Braun HAHA we win

Big E: dammit

Kaitlyn: That was fun

Alexa leaned on Braun shoulder and smiled as they all talked and Braun blushed at Alexa he really liked her and wanted to ask her out but never had the guts to tell her then they hear

Seth: ALEXA!

Alexa sprang up and Braun notice her Alexa looked uneasy

Alexa: I *clears throat* I'm here Seth

Seth approaches and sees Braun then says

Seth:we must go hello Braun, E, Kaitlyn Lexi lets go

Alexa gives Braun a kiss on the cheek when Seth walks away then follows Seth

Big E: Braun ask her out please

Braun: I can't you guys I'm a meat castle of swamp water and she's a beautiful goddess I-just can't

Big E: Sounds like your wearing the tutu in this relationship

Braun: Say that again and Kaitlyn is gonna end up single

Braun walks away but soon blushes


Becky: I'm serious she won't talk to me she doesn't wanna hug or cuddles or kiss  none of that

Sasha: Well you did smash her makeup

Bayley: And scream in her face

Sasha: causing her to cry due to your scary stern voice

Becky: I get it I'm sorry..I really am

Becky buries her hands in her face

Sasha: Well she might be over

then Charlotte walks in

Charlotte: Hey girl

Charlotte walks right pass Becky and hugs Sasha and side hugs Bayley When Becky reaches for a kiss Charlotte walks pass while saying

Charlotte: kiss me and I'll cut your fucking tongue out of your mouth

Charlotte walks away

Sasha: Oop

Becky: See she don't want nothing to do with me like wtf is this

Sasha: did you try talking to her

Becky: Yeah but she just threatens me and walks away Sasha I love her soo much and can't lose her

Sasha looks at Bayley

Bayley: Okay fine I'll talk to her

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