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After about 30 minutes, Henry, William and Michael left, and Terrance was still sitting on the couch, bored as ever. "Dad said I could have my phone back, so I'm gonna go find it" Terrance said, getting up and walking to his dad's room. He looked around his bed and on his nightstand but he couldn't find it. "Maybe..." He said, walking to the kitchen and looking on the counter. "Damnit! Where'd he put the damn thing?" Terrance said, annoyed. Terrance walked to his room to find his phone on his bed. "Are you fucking serious? He put it here? What the fuck." Terrance cursed. He picked up his phone and went back to the living room.

When he got to the living room, he sat down and played on his phone for about 15 minutea before becoming bored again. Terrance put his phone down and looked around. He picked up his phone again and searched up a few things before standing up. He walked to his room and grabbed a few dollars and walked out, and to the kids' room. He opened the door and looked at them, "come on brats, we're going to the store." They looked at each other and shrugged. They put on their shoes and walked with Terrance to the store.

At the store, Terrance see's Mark, from school. "Go look for whatever you want, then come back here." Terrance told the kids. As the kids went to go look around, Terrance walked straight to Mark. "Hey Mark" Terrance said.  "Oh, hey." Mark answered. "What'cha doing?" Asked Terrance. "Just looking around, what about you?" Terrance sighed, "Well I was babysitting.." Mark gives a puzzled look, "Was?" Terrance nods, "I was babysitting my younger brother and sister while my dad was out, I brought them here, told them to look around." Terrance shrugs and puts his hands in his pockets. "Oh, I didn't know you had siblings, how many do you have?" Mark asked. "3, I have 2 brothers and a sister. They're all fucking annoying, I hate them all to be honest." Terrance sighed. "Why?" Mark asked. "Well, Chris, the youngest, is an annoying little cry baby, Elizabeth, the middleish, she's just plain annoying. Always playing with her dolls and shoving them in my face. Then Michael, he's older than me, but he's always so depressed and boring. I have nobody to talk to at home. It's fucking boring and annoying." Mark gives a confused look, "But, that's what kids do, and maybe you should ask if anything is wrong with Michael, maybe he's sad or something is wrong.." Mark said, worryingly. "Tsk, if there was anything wrong with him, it would be on how spoiled he is." Terrance shook his head. " 'Oh Mikey are you alright? Here, have this. Oh Michael is depressed and sad? Here, let's give him all the fucking attention and just yell at Terrance for spending no time with family even though Michael does the same fucking thing!' " Terrance mocks. Mark looks surprised. "What?" Terrance asked. "Are you okay? You basically just vented to me, I mean, I'm always here for you, but damn.. You seem really upset with your parents more than your siblings." Mark said. "Just shut up about it, I don't even fucking care anymore." Mark sighed. 

Terrance walked back to the entrance, "where are the brats? I want to go home now, god." Terrance said, annoyed. Chris came running, holding a mask that looked like a fox. "Terrance!!! It's so scary!!" Chris cried. "Well then why are ya holding it?" Terrance laughed. "B-Because it reminded me of you.." Chris whined. "WHAT DID YOU SAY-" Terrance is interrupted by Eli walking to them, "It actually reminded me of you, ya bully." Terrance sighed and took it from Chris and put it on. "BOO" Yelled Terrance. Chris screamed and cried. "HEY! DON'T BE MEAN!" Eli yelled. Terrance laughs. "You got everything ya brats?" They nod and walk with Terrance to the cashier, Terrance pays for everything and they walk back home with Terrance scaring Chris every now and then. 

When they got home, Terrance quickly ran to a hiding place with the mask. "Terrance?" Chris asked. "Where'd you go?" Chris walked around the house while Elizabeth was in the backyard playing. "Boo!" Terrance pops out with the mask on and Chris screamed and began crying. Terrance laughs, "Oh can it, crybaby, you're fine." Terrance walks away with the mask still on. Chris slowly walked to the living room and Terrance pops out from under the couch and Chris screams and runs to his room, crying while Terrance took the mask off and laughed. 

The Afton Family (Not finishing!)Where stories live. Discover now