Chapter 1

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(OMG SI befor i begin THANK U SO MUCHH FOR TJE NICE REVOEW IT MEANS SO MUDH TO ME my sis said it was sarkastc but i dont think so nd i dont really understand the other reviews but i dont think they were meen see AVA i can RITE
Fuk u ava :C
Dont tell my mom i saif that
ALSO my sister said i had alot of typos so i am typing VER CARFULLY i was super tired last time nd i cannot type byt i am using my ipad now nd i am being carful becuz she said it was hard to reed wich made me sad :( but i am trying better but wen i get exsited i type a bit wild lol
Im not fixing the other chapter tho becuz im lazy XD)
Sunkit opened her eys nd looked around. IT was brite out nd her mom was liking her hed. Luna kit was also their. She smiled over at Sunkit.
"arent u exsited?" lunakit said breathed "we r getting apprentised today."
"oh rite!" sunkit sprained up she had totaly forgotton! "I hope we get good mentors!"
"Me too" lunakit noded nd their mom smiled.
"Well dont wait go to the hirock nd get you're mentors"
Lunakit nd sunkit ran out of the nursery sunkit was a gold coloured cat with shimmery fur (its pissible look it up!) that shined like gold. Her eyes where a swirl of blu nd orange. she didnt look like any other cats but she wished she did. she got made fun off for her wierd pelt and becuz she eas pretty n pumkinkit was jelous
Lunakit looked like a luna moth becuz she was greenish nd she had brown spotes over her eys like a luna moth wing. she was also flufy like a luna moth.
"All cats old enogh too catch they're pray gather below da hirock" Harestar yowled yellingly. all the cats gathered with question. Sunkit sat under the rock her eyes brite with exsitement nd lunakit sat next to her. But then pumkinkit sst next to them also. Nd skullkit too. pumkinkit was orange nd cared to much about her fur nd thot she was the prettyest cat but she was a bich. skullkit was black w/ a wite skull on his chest and he had dark eys and looked mean but he was actally just brooding n sunkit didnt kno him good but she thot je was handsom. Anyway she sat strait nd harestar smiled down at her. "Ok!" he said loud "4 cats will be apprentised today. Lunakit you're mentor is crowfdesther. Skulliit you're mentor is breezepelt. pumkinkit you're mentor is oatclaw. Nd Sunkit you're mentor will be meh! Also all you're names end in paw now"
Everyon gasped includeing sunkit. Omg harestar is my mentor! She thot. Harestar jumped down nd touched noses w/ sunkit. She bigged with pride nd shot pumkinkit a smile becuz pumkitkit got OATCLAW nd shed got the LEADER. lunakit came over and hugged sunkit "im so proude of you sis!" she exclamationed. Nd sunkit hugged her back "yea im proud to".
"OK' harestar begin walking to the traneing grounds "we will teech you how to hunt!" sunkit followed nd also lunakit nd pumkinkit nd skullkit nd they're mentors folowed. "Ok here is how to pownce" harestar said but befor he could do it sunkit saw a mous. She instinctivually crowched and slanked forward and pownced! Nd she COT THE MOUS! Everyone gasped including pumkinkit who looked jelos. "Giood job sunkit! U are a natural" harestar exclamationed proudly. No apprentise had ever done that befor!" Sunkit smiled and held up her mous so PUMKINKIT cold see better. Pumkitkit huffed nd turned her nose away.
"Good job sunpaw" lunapaw agreed nisely
Skullkit snareled "you havnt seen the last of me!" nd ran into the forest "i am goeing to join Shadowclan!"
That nite sunpaw went to sleep next to lunapaw nd felt proud bc she had fougt really well nd she cold do figting traneing tomorow. ND her mentor were HARESTAR!
After she fell asleep a pretty she cat apeered in her dreem it was a tortiseshell nd she smelled really good
"Hello sunpaw" the she cat said purred "i am Spotedleaf nd there is a profesy."
"Omg really?" sunpaws eys widened their was a profesy? Nd spotedleaf was telling HER? Her eys widened with exsite.
"Yes" spotedleaf noded and purr "the sun will shine n the lite will defete the skull".
Sunpaw burdened, what idd it mean she thot?
"Ok spotedleaf" she said meowed and spotedleaf dissappeered. Than the surrounding turned to the DARK FOREST sunpaw scared! Their were evil cats n it smelled like BLOD! Sunpaw went to attak one but than it dissappeered n she was left alone n than she dreemed pumkinkit fell of a clif and it was SO FUNNY.
(HAHA YEAH AVA- I mean pumkinkit totally- desserves to fall of a clif XD
Plz leave reviews! But make it nise contsructive critisism ONLY plz! Thx for reeding! I worked really hard on it n tryed to fix my typing so i hope it is better! I am only lerning so
Also i didnt wait to post this chapter becuz I was SO EXSITED i just finished it! sorry it was a little rush)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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