Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

2,438 words

QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER: what's your favourite ice cream flavour?


Before Starting the story, here are a few reminders as well as info:

-The timing of the Story does not match the show! 

-Henry was already born when Penelope got shot 

-Foyet's drama already happened by the time of this Story

-Reid is 24 at the beginning of the story

(Basically just forward a lot of events, to be honest)

-As of Dr Reid looks, those would be the ones of Season 2 onward


 "An art exhibition?" Reid stopped pouring the coffee into his cup, eyeing his friend.

"Yeah" the bald man replied shrugging his shoulders, grabbing his own coffee.


"Yeah" he answered again.

"... An art exhibition" the Doctor spoke, trying to confirm that what he had heard was actually correct.

"Jesus, Reid... Why is it so hard to believe that I'm going to an exhibition?"

"No offence but- the only time you've ever been interested in anything related to art was three years ago when your sister told you that her best friend was going to be part of a musical play"


"You don't like musical theatre," Morgan looked at his friend expectantly, waiting for him to finish his point "and you've had a 'big fat crush' on your sister's best friend since you were a teenager" the kid spoke using air quotes.

"Well, I went to support her! She is really important to my sister"

"So... you didn't fly all the way to Chicago to watch her, take her to that fancy hotel you booked so you could impress her and she would stop seeing you as 'that kid who had a crush on me' and then proceed to sleep with her?" Reid spoke trying to hold back the smirk coming to his lips.

Morgan looked at him, lips pursed, thinking about what to reply. That was exactly what he had done "C'mon man, what was I supposed to do? I had the chance, and I took it!"

"Alright" the Doctor chuckled walking to his desk, coffee in hand "What is it this time?"

"Oh, nuh-uh" he shook his head "I'm not tellin' ya'. You're gonna judge me!" he said crossing his arms as he sat on his chair, on the other side of the corridor that divided his desk from Reid's.

"Okay" the younger got back to his work. It seemed like their day would be full of paperwork, they were so behind on it and Garcia would kill them if they weren't finished soon. Reid had set it his personal goal to finish all of his paperwork before 5pm, so he could go visit a new bookstore that apparently sold early editions of the best classics along with old scripture utensils.

As the Doctor looked over his files to see where he had left off, Morgan kept glancing over at him every few seconds. The kid had let go of the topic of their conversation way quicker than Morgan would have liked. The man had a need to seem interesting to his colleague and Reid wasn't giving him the attention he deserved.

And that pale bitch was doing in on purpose.

"I hate you" Morgan said scooting his chair over to the smirking boy.

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