There is no Austria

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The family was able to afford a larger tenement after the tour but was still trying to save money in order to buy a house. It was still cramped, but it had worked for two weeks so far.

Carl had gone back to the auto shop but still dropped by now and then.

Maria was helping Liesl fold laundry and Brigitta was helping Johanna not make a complete mess as she ate. Louisa studied the English book and Marta and Gretl were off playing when the Captain and the boys rushed in.

"Mother!" Kurt yelled

"Shh" Louisa held a finger up to her lip "you'll wake Rudi up"

"Mother" Friedrich whispered loudly "we're going to Vermont!"

Maria dropped the shirt she was folding

"Really!" Brigitta exclaimed

"At the start of the new year. It'll be too close to winter to even dream about going in the next few weeks but when the clock strikes 1941 we're gone" the Captain explained

"Are you serious?" Maria asked

"Completely" Georg assured her

"Oh my goodness!" She was louder than anyone and didn't care if the baby woke. She ran and hugged her husband and all started talking about their future home in the mountains.

As the month concluded and November loomed, a letter arrived at the mail office of the apartment building.

Brigitta and Gretl had volunteered to retrieve the mail that day.

"Hmm" Brigitta sifted through the envelopes

"What?" Gretl asked

"It says it's for all of us, but it also says it's from Ellis Island, the place we had to go through to get here"

"But we're already here" Gretl shrugged

"I know" Brigitta rolled her eyes "I'll give it to father"

They walked back up the steps to their apartment and Brigitta immediately handed the letter to her father

"Thank you" he said as he took another sip of coffee.

Maria was rocking Rudi and Louisa was at the table with her father finishing breakfast. Liesl had already gone to visit Carl for the morning.

Georg opened the letter, curious as to what it could be but when he read the first sentence his coffee mug returned to the table a bit harshly..

"What is it?" Louisa asked as she noticed her father grow stern

"I...we..." He couldn't say it.

"Georg?" Maria tried to get his attention, his behavior was worrying.

"Our visas have expired. The deadline is past to prove a reliable source of income. It passed while we were in New Hampshire but our billing address was still the old apartment.

"What does that mean?" Brigitta asked, the pit in her stomach growing larger

"We have to go back" Georg's eyes flew to his wife and the baby she was holding.

Panic filled the family. As they read on they learned they had a week to report to immigration and be boarded on a ship back to war torn Europe.

Hey y'all. Dun dun dun. Yeah this happened in the second "die trapp familie" movie so i felt the need to include it.

Once again sorry for the short chapter. I'd rather have a good cutting off point than a ramble of multiple things.

Thanks for reading!

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