One Day You'll Wake Up and Find She's a Woman

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The very next day Father Wasner, the Captain and the boys went to Mr. Harris' office to sign the paperwork. The man was a little unsure about how the family would be received based on the fact they had a niche sound but Harris had faith in this endeavor and promised a few key investors that he would pour into them. This meant publicity photos needed to be taken in order to build up interest before they set off for tour.

Over the next two weeks the von Trapps were ushered all around the city. It was exciting for the whole group to get to explore. The children posed in their straight line and in groups. Some pictures were them looking over the ledge of skyscrapers, while others were of them playing along with Johanna. They also posed as if singing and Friedrich and Brigitta were able to take pictures with their instruments. Maria was also given a guitar to pose with. She and the Captain also took a few shots along with Dr. Wasner and they conducted mini interviews for newspapers talking about Maria's life as a nun and their "choice to leave Europe". They struggled to take pictures of Maria that didn't look pregnant considering the baby was due in the next couple months. Overall the children were giddy and Harris had to admit they'd grown on him.

They had scheduled a six week tour along the coast that was to begin within a few weeks. According to their arrangement they had to reach a certain amount of ticket sales in Harris' scheduled venues but they were on their own for transportation.

While the family had been walking about, Maria had taken the opportunity to invite Carl to dinner. Like her children she too remembered the offer he had made and decided to take him up on it. Georg was still skeptical but reluctantly agreed to consider and make a final decision after dinner.

The family sat in an array of mismatched chairs and stools, Johanna even sat on Louisa's lap and Gretl and Marta had to share a chair in order for Carl to have his own seat.

To say Carl was nervous was an understatement. He had tried to brush his unruly dark curls and had taken extra care to dress in an unstained shirt, which was difficult to come by in his profession. He was intimidated by Captain von Trapp and knew this was an opportunity to not only get to know Liesl better but for him to explore America a bit and see what was out there. He was truly gifted with auto mechanics and enjoyed it but he was unsure of staying in the slums his whole life. He was now 20 and was beginning to have aspirations of his own.

After a lovely, somewhat civilized meal, Maria excused herself and the Captain to go and discuss the matter.

"Well?" Maria crossed her arms when they had shut the door to the hallway.

"Well..." He replied

"Come on, he's a good boy and he is obviously nervous out of his mind. But he's a hard worker, he's willing to help and he's not asking for much pay" Maria implored

"I know, I know" he said "but I'm just worried that he's so eager to help for the wrong reason" he explained in his protective tone.

"Georg" Maria rested her hands on his crossed arms "he's a good guy, he wants to get out there and see a bit of the world. Not unlike someone I know" she smirked

"And there's nothing wrong with that, it's just" he put his hands in his pockets.

"What?" Maria smiled then it hit her "you know don't you?" She smirked again


"Georg it's alright"

"Oh it's alright, but he's not fooling anyone. Liesl is lovely, charming also hard working, need I go on about my girl, but after that damn delivery boy I don't know if I can see her hurt like that again" he admitted

"You knew?" Maria slapped him teasingly

"Of course I knew. I was a teenager once too. But I want Liesl to have better than that, I just want what's best for my little girl."

"I know darling, but he's doing this for himself too. I won't be surprised if he offers to date her but I trust him enough to know he will respect her and you" Maria told him "he may just want to figure himself out before he makes a serious move, and if he does so be it"

"She's a Woman now isn't she?" Georg looked directly at his wife , a little saddened by the thought of his kids growing up so fast.

"Yes, and before you know it Friedrich will be next and before you can turn around twice it'll be Gretl or Joey's turn"

"Oh I don't think anyone can handle Gretl" he chuckled about the thought of his seven year old yelling at a grown man.

Maria composed herself "so if it's okay? The children love him and he deserves it"

"I'm sure Louisa will be excited as well" he muttered as he turned to go back in the room but Maria grabbed his arm to stop him.

"You knew about that too?" Maria was honestly surprised about that one. Louisa could control herself well around her father.

"Of course, she's easy for me to read" he retorted and Maria rolled her eyes

"Well I wouldn't worry about Lou, I think she's learned to be willing to wait" Maria assured

Meanwhile back at the table Carl sat next to Liesl with Friedrich across from him and was constantly engaged in conversation. Maria was right, Louisa was content and was happy to see her older sister happy as well. The younger kids listened to his stories with awe, accompanied by many questions from Kurt and Brigitta. Carl was beginning to feel comfortable with the family and genuinely enjoy their company. He loved talking to Liesl, also Friedrich and was already rubbing off on Kurt.

"Carl, that's insane! They were really pirates?!" Brigitta was intrigued.

"Modern-day pirates, they didn't dress up but they did have a boat they all lived on and one had a bird that sat on his shoulder" Carl told them as he messed up his hair with his hand, little did he know Liesl was intrigued, just not with the story.

"Did they have a treasure map? Gretl asked

"Probably not" Kurt interrupted

"No they didn't have a map" Carl shook his head as Johanna slapped her plate and it covered the table, and part of Kurt's pants

"Carl" the Captain and Maria re-entered

"Yes sir" Carl stood up

"Just to be clear we were looking for someone who was hardworking, diligent, good and driven, and knew how to drive" the Captain stepped over menacingly and Liesl bit her lip anxiously.

"Yes sir" Carl nodded, a bit apprehensive

"You're hired" the Captain smiled and stretched out his hand. Carl's face brightened as he smiled and shook the Captain's hand fiercely with both of his.

"Thank you sir, I won't let you down"

"We know you won't" the Captain agreed but it could hardly be heard due to the commotion in the room.

He shook Friedrich's hand a little more casually and gave Brigitta a side hug. He then looked at the Captain as if asking for permission and the Captain gave a slight nod. Carl went and hugged Liesl tightly which was followed by "ooh's" from the younger girls, and Kurt whistled. This made both of them turn red and pull away, but they laughed anyway.

Maria walked up to her husband, grabbed his hand and leaned in to whisper "good job"

Hey y'all. So this was fun to write. Love the overprotective parent. But no, they aren't official yet, no he had to ask permission for the hug.

Don't forget to vote on the gender of the next baby.

Thanks for reading!

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