"You're turning into a Kook." JJ commented, glancing over to her.

Scarlett shrugged. "I guess I am."

"Promise me that you won't forget about us all now you're a Kook." JJ said. "Especially me."

Scarlett chuckled. "Believe me, I won't. Besides, once we find that gold, we'll all be Kooks." She pulled out her phone, making sure she had some signal before pulling up Kiara's message thread and typing out a text.

Kie 🗝🐢

Finally got some signal so I'm just letting you know that I'm like 5 mins away. Don't worry, JJ's driving me. Sorry I'm later than expected, packing took a bit longer than I thought.
Lottie xx

Delivered 01:20

She put her phone back into her pocket and went back to looking at all the fancy Kook houses that were being lit up by the van's headlights. They drove in a comfortable silence until JJ pulled up outside Kiara's house. Kiara was stood outside the front door, and made her way over to the van the second JJ turned the engine off. "You're really moving into my house at half one in the morning?" She questioned, folding her arms over her chest.

"Blame JJ." Scarlett told her, pushing open the door and hopping out the van. "Apparently moving in had to happen as soon as possible." She walked round to the back of the van and opened the boot. She reached in and grabbed one of the boxes, this one filled with both hers and Maisie's essentials.

"Here's an idea." Kiara said, walking over to her. "Why don't we wait till morning to move you in properly." She suggested. "That way we can rope JB and Pope into helping." Kiara smiled, picking up another box.

JJ climbed out of the van and walked over to Scarlett. He placed his arm around her shoulder and kissed her temple. "I'll drive the van back to John B's and bring it back in the morning. Then we'll all help you move your stuff in before going to test out the drone."

A smile formed on Scarlett's face as she looked between two of her best friends. "Thank you guys, really. I owe you all so much."

"You don't owe us anything." Kiara said, while JJ shook his head. "It's what best friends are for."


The next morning, Scarlett arose early to the sound of knocking at the front door. She pulled herself up from the sofa- where she and Kiara had fallen asleep watching 'Notting Hill'. Half-awake, she stumbled to the front door, grabbing the keys and unlocking the door. Her eyes fell upon the three boys- John B, JJ and Pope. "What the hell are you doing here this early?" She asked, stepping aside so they could come in, each of them carrying a box of her and Maisie's things.

"Helping you to move in." Pope told her. "You've got something on your neck, by the way."

Scarlett blushed, pulling her dressing gown closer to her body. "Where'd you get those hickeys, anyway Lottie?" John B asked, setting the box by the stairs.

"Um..." Scarlett looked over to JJ. Her eyes fell on Kiara who walked into the hallway, and eyebrow raised at her best friend. "Just some Touron I met." She shrugged. "No big deal." She walked away from the group and towards the stairs, picking up one of the lighter boxes. "Right then, I suppose I better get moved in."

"Yeah, the quicker we get this done, the quicker we can go test that drone." JJ said, following her up the stairs. "Touron? That's the best you could come up with?" He whispered in her ear.

Scarlett rolled her eyes. "Well, you weren't exactly discreet with the placement of the hickeys. And it's not like I had all the time in the world to come up with an answer. You know I'm a shit liar, JJ."

Gold Digger// JJ Maybank- OBXOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora