chapter 5

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Cara, Mando, and Rhi patrolled the forest. Mando had tried to get Rhi to stay in the village, but Rhi reminded him what would happen if he forced her to stay behind.

"You'll shoot me in the foot," Mando said, his mind going back to the cantina.

"I'll shoot you in the foot," she repeated, flashing him a smile and gathering her blaster and throwing knives. Cara was already waiting on the outskirts of the village.

"Lover's quarrel?" Cara smirked as she watched them approaching. Rhi flashed her a middle finger and continued walking past her into the forest. Rhi could hear Cara laughing at Mando as they caught up with her.

"About 15 or 20 of them came here on foot," Mando told them. He then pointed up at the trees. "And something big sheared off those branches."

They moved on and found a gigantic footprint. Rhi crouched down to examine it.

"AT-ST," Cara said. Rhi stood up and looked back up at the broken branches.

"Imperial walker. What's it doing here?" Mando asked.

"I don't know. But this is more than I signed up for," Cara sighed as she turned and began walking back to the village. Mando and Rhi walked a few paces behind her.

"You said they killed someone important to you. Your partner?" Mando asked her.

Rhi shook her head. "No. Someone else."

"Do you... do you want to talk about it?"

"Maybe one day," she sighed. They reached the outskirts of the village and called for a gathering of the villagers by the barn. Cara, Mando, and Rhi stood on the porch of Omera's barn while the villagers stood in front of them. They waited for everyone to quiet down before Mando stepped out to address them.

"Bad news," he told them. "Y'can't live here anymore."

The villagers erupted, shouting over each other. Rhi huffed out a laugh as Mando stepped back to stand next to her.

Cara turned to Mando, "Nice bedside manner."

"You think you can do better?" He asked her.

"Can't do much worse," she shrugged. She stepped forward, "I know this is not the news you wanted to hear but there are no other options."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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