chapter 2

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The blaster was empty. The blaster was fucking empty. After Rhi had pulled the trigger and the chamber made a clicking noise, she realised how light the blaster felt. She sighed and threw the blaster on the sand next to Mando's head and got off him, offering her arm to help him up. He took it, and she pulled him to his feet. She then picked up the blaster and handed it to him.

"I emptied it last night. I don't trust you."

"Well, now you know I'm not gonna use it to kill you," she said as she peered up at the hill, where the kid was currently looking down at them. "It's kinda ugly, y'know? The big eyes. Maker above, that's a bog creature right there."

Mando didn't say anything as he climbed the hill to the small encampment. He helped Rhi climb the hill and then lifted the kid back into the container once she was safe on top.

"My ship is about a hour away from here."

"We could have just gone last night," she said as she fumbled with the cuffs. "Maker, these are tight. Y'like shit like this, Mando? Seeing a girl in tight cuffs?"

"Do you ever shut up?"

She just shrugged, not saying anything. If she had been able to look under his helmet, she would have been the smile that was on his face. She was funny, he had to give her that. But alas, she couldn't see his face, and as far as she knew, all he was doing was staring her down. She shifted her weight from foot to foot.

"So, uh... shall we?"

Mando nodded and picked up the lamp by his foot. He then took out the magazine from his bandolier and stuffed it back into his blaster. He slipped his blaster back into his thigh holster and motioned for Rhi to walk ahead of him. He closed the container carrying the kid and walked behind Rhi.

They walked for about 45 minutes, but just as they were about to cross the final ridge to Mando's ship, Rhi stopped him.

"What is it?" He asked her.

"Jawas. That's your ship, right?" She asked as she pointed to the ship in the valley below.

"Yes, that's-fuck-that's my ship."

She laughed. "It's torn to fuckin' pieces, dude!"

She wasn't lying. The ship was completely torn to shreds, Jawas picking apart panels and scrap. He pulled out his rifle and scope, aiming at the Jawas. He disintegrated one, watching as the Jawas started scrambling. He then disintegrated another one. And another one. But before he could aim at another Jawa they all boarded their sandcrawler and began driving away. Mando ran after it, pulling Rhi with him and the kids' container following behind.

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