The Roof.

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3rd person pov
A blonde-haired boy runs up the stairs and onto the roof, he climbs over the fence
And steps on the edge as the wind blows
Through his hair, it's a bit warm that night which he doesn't mind, he looks down
Look at how far of a drop it would be

Todorki's pov
I shoot up sitting in my bed, I
Looked at the time, the red light
Wrote 3:20 am
I try to go
back to sleep but I hear singing
It's very muffled, very faint, I go to
The window to listen better

"Hey... Don't, do it... please~"

It was a deep voice so it definitely wasn't a
Girl, I get on a jacket and quietly
sneak out my door I then
Try to listen in what direction
The deep singing was coming from
I heard a faint

"You've probably heard it all before~"

It was clear that he was singing
A song I didn't know 
I noticed that it came from the roof I run up the stone stairs, making a
Each step I go up, the very beautiful singing
Gets louder with each step, I finally get to the
The door I notice a razor blade that was
Bloody and shoes next
To it the handle was bloody too
I look through the dirty window, I see
What looks like a boy with spiky hair
My eyes widen, I didn't expect to see bakugou up here, he had an amazing voice, I
Try and open the door, but it won't budge
I try and push it open and it finally opens,
Surprisingly it didn't make any noise,
I look at him, he's standing
At this edge
I'm blinded by his singing

3rd person pov

The blonde-haired boy stands at the edge of the roof singing while a red and white
Haired boy watch's with the wind blowing
Making the red and white-haired boy
Hair colors blend together

"There's no one to interfere no one to get in my way here~"

Todorki listens to the beautiful song
While the wind is blowing

Bakugou takes off his hoodie showing
Many cuts on his arms up to his elbow

"This petite boy is gonna jump now~"




"And be.... free!~"

Todorki's eyes widen when he hears
Those words
Bakugou turns around to see todorki then
Forcefully falls backward
"B-BAKUGOU!!" Todoroki yells likely
Waking up the other students
Bakugou then gently smiles at todorki
Falling down

Bakugous pov
I start falling fast
. . .

I'm sorry Deku

I'm sorry Kirishima

I'm sorry mina

I'm sorry sero

I'm sorry Denki

I'm sorry everyone
I've let you all down
I start crying my tears going up
Instead of down

I'm a failure

A monster


I'm nothing

You all hate me

I'm doing you all a favor

You all will be happy

Don't Mourn (don't judge my spelling
I'm stupid) over my loss

It's not worth it

Don't cry over me ethier
You'd be wasting your

I'd never be a hero anyways

I hope shinsou replaces me

I was better off dead

He takes another razor blade, a new one
He cuts his neck crimson blood starts
Going up




I'll be Dead


Everything goes black to white

3rd person pov
Todoroki stumbles to the ground
Crying "W-why Ba-bakugo?"
He says under his breath




"Now you're Dead..."

Word count- 524

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