The doorbell

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   I get up to rush to the door, my mom gets there first. I run upstairs again. I sit down in the corner. Then I hear feet coming up the stairs. It's not my mom. She has powerful legs. I hear a jiggle on the doorknob. Then it opens. I see Blaise, he stands there and looks at the wall. "I saw what you did the other day in the clearing." Then his eyes wander to the whole in the wall. "I see you did that too." I stand up and stare at him. Speechless. "I don't know what your talking about." And I really don't. Blaise clears his throat,"I said, I saw what you did. You can do some Eleven- Stranger Things shit." I take in a gulp. "You didn't see anything, Scott." I call him by his last name. "Well, Emerald, I saw you use a force field to yeet my sisters friend across the clearing." He says and chuckles. "I don't know how in hell you did that, but you really need to figure out how to do it under control." Then he grabs my arm. "Your comin' with me." He says while jerking me out.

       He brings me to the clearing by the school, in the middle of the forest. "Now, when I drop this rock, your going to make it float." He gives me a questioning look. I nod. He drops the rock, it falls to the floor. "This is all some misunderstanding!" I say frustrated after our 10th time. "Cmon El! I know you can do it, I saw you." Why did he call me El? Like Eleven from Stranger Thing. Bruh.

     "Try 127..." he says while trying to stay awake. Then it hits me. I was mad when she made me do it. "Quick! Make me mad!" I say. "What the hell Eleanorian- Erm- El. Why?" I let out a sigh. "Just do it." He shrugs. "You know your dad was a total bum. Fucking acting all strange, a stupid drunk." He emphasizes the 'drunk'. I feel this anger rise of me. Why did he have to say that! Out of all the things he could have said. I stand up, then the anger rises higher and higher. Till it's at the earth's atmosphere. I scream. Then the rocks around me float besides me. I nod and the rocks fly towards him. He ducks his head. Barely missing them. I run over to him. "What the hell Blaise! Not funny. You could of died!" I shove him. He chuckles. "Well, see you at school." Then he smiles and heads off.

Two days later, after the weekend. I ride the bus to school.

We stop at a new stop. "Why are we stopping here?" I ask the person sitting across the aisle. He shrugs. "What's your name? I never see you around." He asks. "Um, my name is Eleanorian Emerald. But everyone calls me something shorter, like Ellen, Eleanor, Eleanoria, Ellie-." I pause. "El.." I mumble the last one. "Cool, I'm Xavier." He gives me a smile. I give a little smile as well. Then this girl walks on the bus. She heads to the back of the bus. All the seats are taken except mine. "Hi, can I sit?" She asks sweetly. "Sure." I say. I stand up and let her in. "So, you new here?" Xavier asks. "Yea, I come here from England." She says in a British accent. "Cool, why'd you come here?" I ask. "Erm- my mum and I just decided to start fresh." She answers. Xavier and I listen closely. I nod solemnly. "What's your name?" I ask. "I'm Dakota. My sisters name is North. I wonder why my mum, out of all the states, chose North Dakota. We all laugh, Dakota is cool.

During lunch I sit next to Paris and some other friends as usual. Then Dakota from the bus comes over, "Hi, Ellie!" She says while sitting down. "Hey." I say. Everyone stares at her. Why does the popular group care so much who sits here? Even worse, Blaise comes over. All the girls at the table blush, seriously. "Hey El." He sits on the other side of me, getting a little too close for comfort. His hand brushes against mine and he stares at me for a second. I stare back. He smiles, I smile cautiously. Why is he smiling at me? Then Xavier comes over as sits across from me. "Hey, Ellen!" I'm surrounded by all my newest friends.

Once I'm done with school I get ready for a beat down. But Blaise chases after me. "Hey! Lets head to the clearing!" He says once he's caught up to me. Blaire rolls her eyes and her and her crew walk away.
I give Blaire a death stare before she goes, she backs off and walks away. I head to the clearing with Blaise. "Hey! Ellen!" Xavier runs to catch up its me. He starts panting, "Hi, where you goin?" He says once he catches his breath. Then he looks at Blaise. "Hey, man." He gives him a sus nod. "Hey." Blaire responds. They don't look friendly to each other though. "Oh, um, Blaise and I are going to my place to study." I lie. Xavier nods. "See you tomorrow." And he runs off.

Once we've made it to the clearing we start. He drops the rock and I try to levitate it. I hear a crunch come from the forest. "What the hell was that?" Blaise asks. "Dunno." I answer.


I feel like Blaise and Ellen hanging out is kind of suspicious. They never hang out. I follow them. I follow till they meet the clearing in the middle of the forest. This doesn't look like a house. Did Ellen lie? Why would she lie? I stay behind a tree. I spy on them. What are they doing? Blaise is dropping a rock, and Ellen is just watching him do it. They do this about ten times, then I step to move a little closer. I step on a stick. Shit. It crumpled at my feet, making a loud snapping sound. I look over at them. They heard it. They look around for a bit, then give up. "Just a rabbit or something." Ellen says. They keep doing whatever they're doing. Then once they've been doing it forever. The rock floats. What the- I gasp, loudly. I get up to leave and my head goes spinning. I trip and fall into the clearing. Shit. They stare at me. Blaise charges to me. Looking at me with a stern face. "What the hell do you think your doin'? Spying on us!" He grabs my collar and hoists me close to him. I'm frozen. "I- I didn't mean to. I was just walking home!" I lie. "You got some nerve-." Then Ellen cuts him off. "Did you see anything?" She asks me. Oh shit. "I- yes. I'm not gonna lie. I saw you lift a rock off the ground." She gasps, and stares at Blaise with worried eyes. "Well, now you fucking know. Tell anyone- and your ass is done. Hear me?" I nod. He lets go of me. "Well, now your gonna need an explanation, won't you?" Ellen asks. I nod. We sit in the middle of the clearing. She shows me what she can do. She lifts the rock off the ground. "Yep, she can do some Eleven-Stranger Things shit." Blaise says. Then Blaise trips over air. Ellen laughs a lot. "El! What the fuck!" Blaise yells while getting up and dusting his jeans off. She just laughs. Then we're all laughing.


The next day we all sit at the table together. My old friends and Dakota are there too. While we're sitting, suddenly Blaire comes up to our table. Keep in mind, this is the popular table. "So, now suddenly Eleanorian is a popular kid? So the girl with psychotic, drunk, and not to mention, dead dad." Blaire says smiling. I get on my feet. "Back the fuck off Blaire, you have no fucking idea what the hell im capable of," I get close to her face. "If I wanted to, I could beat your ass right here right now." I say in between clenched teeth." Xavier and Blaise hold me back, thinking I will do something to her. "Blaire, stop before she gets really mad." Xavier says. I look over at the table. It's shaking. I'm making it shake. I don't mean to though. Blaire doesn't notice, the others do. The table looks like it's going through an earthquake. "Will someone stop shaking that goddamn table!" Blaire says. The table doesn't stop. The boys hold me back tighter. "Calm, El, calm.." Blaise says. "Fuck off Blaire." Blaise says to his twin. "Yea what the fuck Blaire!" Paris says. "I didn't expect a fucking slut like you to go that low. At least she has friends." Dakota says. Wow, she's awesome. "Oooooo!" Everyone says. "Didn't expect a British know-it-all to speak to her superiors like that." Blaire says. "Back off before I tell our mom!" Blaise jokes. "Why are you hanging out with the losers!" Blaire asks her twin. Blaise is on his feet now. "I've beaten you up before, don't think I won't do it again." He says in a stern voice. "Whatever." Blaire mutters while walking off, not wanting to pick a fight with her twin.

Eleanorian EmeraldWhere stories live. Discover now