9: it was an accident i swear

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You were shocked when you smelt burnt cooking while you were drawing early in the morning like who in their right mind would be cooking on a Sunday. You quickly rushed down the stairs to find our what was happening. Turns out that it was Sehun and Tao trying to cook, keyword being trying.

Obviously they failed, so there was a small fire there in the kitchen. But Sehun and Tao weren't doing anything; they were just staring at the fire, as if wondering how on earth they even started a fire. So you being you shouted at them, breaking them from whatever trance they were in, and then you put out the fire.

The others came rushing down the stairs after they heard your shout. Apparently they just woke up as most of them were either shirtless or only wearing boxers, and all of them had bed hair.

Again, you being you shouted at them to go freshen up before coming back down. All of them suddenly realised that they weren't properly attired *coughs* and so they blushed, before rushing upstairs to get dressed.

And then, you turned to Sehun and Tao, who were still dazed, as though they still could not believe that they actually started a fire. You started scolding them, rambling on and on about how they shouldn't cook if they didn't know how to, or how they shouldn't cook without having someone who knew how to cook to supervise their cooking, so on and so forth.

By the time you finished scolding them, the other members were already dressed, and they stared at you as you paused to catch your breath. They were actually surprised that you were scolding people who were much older than you. And so they stared, like freaking stared at you for such a long time that you got frustrated, so you asked them if they were ready to go out and grab some breakfast.

All 13 of you left the house, got into the van, and started heading to a place for breakfast. Luckily, the place you guys went to was practically empty since it was hidden behind an alley. Inside the shop, all of you sat down, and a waiter arrived to show you the menu. All of you ordered, and then started talking about that morning's incident.

"Why would you want to set your own house on fire? And especially when all of us are living there with you?" You asked, smirking but still angry at how they didn't do anything to put out the fire. As if they had rehearsed it before, the both of them retorted at the same time, "It was an accident I swear!"

"Then why did you even try to cook without anyone supervising you?" Suho asked the two blushing boys.

"We can cook okay!" They both retorted at the same time yet again, which earned laughter from everyone round the table.

"You can cook? Yeah yeah and pigs can fly." Chen remarked, before the whole table erupted into fits of laughter yet again.

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