Chapter 12

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Hey guys!!!!!!!! I promised this chapter to you so here it is.

Chapter Twelve

When I woke up the next morning, Mercy was still curled up at the bottom of the bed. I noticed a slight chill behind me so I turned around and came face-to-face with a empty space that was once occupied by a sleeping Ryan. 'Where could he be?' I thought to myself. I slowly got out of bed, tripping in the process and made my way to the window.  I peeked outside and saw that Ryan's car was still there. I looked towards the bathroom and noticed that the door was open and the lights were out. 'Well he's not in there.' I cautiously made my way downstairs and to the kitchen, only to be greeted by my mother and Ryan. My mother had a small yet happy smirk on her face as she looked between Ryan and I. She only has that face when she's proud of me. But why would she be prou--- Oh God! She wouldn't think that would she? Apparently not, because her little smirk faltered when she saw Mercy tumbling down the stairs.

"Owwwwww." whined Mercy as she stood up rubbing her butt.

"Why is she here?" asked my mother who looked pretty vexed.

"She had a rough night, that's why she's here. And if your wondering why Ryan's here, Mercy needed him last night." I said just to clear everything up.

After that, my mother stormed off upstairs to her room. 'What a baby.' I thought. I turned back around to see a smirking Ryan and a sleepy and confused Mercy. I stared back at them, but it was more like Ryan stared at me smirking while I stared at Mercy confused, and Mercy stared Ryan's face squinting like she was looking for something.

"Ryan, why are you wearing make up?" she asked.

"I thought I got it all off!" he screamed while running towards the bathroom bumping my shoulder violently.

"Jerk!" I screamed at him. I don't even want to know why he was wearing make up.

Ryan did the most mature thing he could think of, he flipped me off. Idiot.

Later on, Ryan decided to stay and hang with us. Why? I don't know. We planned out our whole day. First me and Ryan organized out tutoring schedule. I still don't know why he needs it. But I was kind of afraid to ask. Then next, the three of us decided to go to the mall. It'll help Mercy keep her mind off things for a bit.

As we arrived at the mall, we had a plan to annoy anyone in our paths. We started with Victoria's Secret. Surprisingly, Ryan wasn't scared to go in there, why? He walked directly over to 4 girls who were browsing through some panties and bras. Before I could say anything, Mercy walked over to him and grabbed him by the ear, pulling him back over to us. It's go time.

"Excuse me miss? Do you have these in a larger size?" Ryan screamed from across the store, to the sales woman, holding up a purple thong.

"Yes we do. We have up to a size 18. How big does this girl need them?" she asked walking over to him.

"A girl? No! They're for me. Who else?" said Ryan in a matter-o-fact tone.

The sales woman looked shocked and backed away slowly. By now, I was laughing my head off. Ryan started throwing a hissy-fit because he couldn't get service from anyone. I was wearing a bra over a bra over a bra doubled over in laughter. Mercy was wearing some matching pink panty and bra set over her clothes, standing in the window like a mannequin. There was a crowd outside staring at her and others were screaming at the employees to help Ryan.  Soon we were chased out of the store, but apparently, I was too slow. So Ryan dragged me out. He was funny at times, but he was still a jerk.

We stopped after we were a distance away from the store and broke down laughing.

"What are we waiting for? We still have a whole mall to terrorize!!" Mercy screamed. We weren't gonna leave until we were either arrested, tazed, or shot.

There's your promised chapter!!!!!!!! I hope your happy. I never usually upload within a fast amount of time.

Comment----Vote-----Expect the next challenge on Friday ;)


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