Chapter 14- Are You OK?

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Astra's POV

I woke up Saturday morning to the soft almost unnoticeable snores of Luna and Hermione shuffling in their sleep. I was an early riser. I quietly made my way around the room avoiding making noise or going near the girls from fear of one of them being a light sleeper and waking up. 

I collected all of my stuff in a pile and stuffed all of the stuff of mine I could, into the bags I had brought, not bothering to try and fit in my pillows, even though I had extra room from all the food we ate. I went into the bathroom and got changed into some sweatpants and a black t-shirt. I found a piece of paper and a pen on the chest of draws near the bathroom. I wrote a short note simply explaining where I had gone and if they needed any help cleaning up I would be happy to lend a hand. 

I walked back to my dorm trying to be silent and not run into anyone. I finally got to my dorm and let out a sigh of relief I didn't know I was holding. The knowledge of the fact that my roommate could be there, hit me like a small train. "Crap" I whispered to myself.  

I sighed then rolled my eyes at myself and opened the door. It creaked open like the hingers were rusty or something. I mentally face palmed. I looked over at her bed and she was crying. Crying. Her. Whatever her name was, was crying. She was facing the wall but I could hear her soft sobs. 

I quietly walked inside and plopped my stuff on to my bed a bit too loudly. My roommate turned around. For a few moments we locked eyes. I studied her face, the mascara dripping down her face, her red flushed cheeks and puffy eyes. She turned back to the wall and wiped her cheeks staining grey the many tissues scrunched in her hand. 

I thought about just ignoring her and going about my business but I really didn't want to. Something good could come out of this. And if I did just ignore her I wouldn't be any better of a person to her than she is to me. And it would be on my conscience. 

I carefully walked over to her side of the room. Slowly sinking down onto the ground, my back leaning against the side of her bed. 

"You good?" I asked her. "What do you care?" Was her snappy reply. "What's your name?" I questioned her finally asking the long over due question. I heard shuffling and then felt the side of the bed dip and she slumped down next to me, leaning against the bed. "Stella." She answered. "Yours?" Stella asked not looking at me. "Astra." I replied.

I lazily turned my head to look at her. The tears she hasn't bothered to wipe off were staining her flushed cheeks. She turned her head to look at me, her blonde hair shaping her face. 

"Are you ok?" I asked her, repeating the same question I had asked earlier. "Do I look ok?" Stella replied in a attempted snarky, sarcastic tone. "Not really." I loudly whispered to myself. "What's wrong?" I asked her again turning back to look at the other side of the room. "When you are who I am. Friends aren't as loyal or trustworthy as they seem. Today I guess I just got back lash for trusting someone too much." She said solemnly.

We sat in silence for about 10 minutes, but it felt longer. Neither of us looking at the other. 

Stella suddenly got up went into the bathroom for a few minutes then came out looking like a new person, and left. Leaving me sitting on the floor without a second glance. I thought that was about as much gratitude Stella was going to give me. And I acknowledged it. 

I woke up to books littering my bed and my cat in the middle of it, sound asleep. I put away all the books and started my morning routine. 

After getting ready, picking out an outfit and deciding what I was going to do for the rest of the day I headed out. Stella didn't comeback until late the night before, she was sloppy and clumsy making me suggest she was drunk. She was still asleep when I left and probably is going to stay like that until after lunch.

Based on how drunk she was last night I was guessing she would have a big hangover and stay in bed for the whole day. 

I decided to find Draco. Based on the reaction he gave me when I told him we were done I wanted to smooth things over a bit, make sure he was ok.

Draco's POV

I walked down the almost deserted hallway in my own world. Almost deserted. I rounded the corner and bumped into non other than Astra herself. I gave her a small smile barley acknowledging her. Due to the fact she was the cause to my panic attack on Friday.

Instead of just smiling back and continued walking she stopped. When she noticed I wasn't going to stop she jogged towards me. When I, again, didn't stop she got annoyed. She stood in front of me. I casually just walked around her. I really didn't want to deal with her today. It was raining, I was tired. It was just an all out miserable day. 

But Astra being Astra she persisted to the point where she grabbed my arm. She didn't pull it she just held it, and I stopped. Only for a moment though. I gently wrenched my arm out of her grip and kept walking. I knew she would get to me eventually but just to make her a little more annoyed was kind of fun. 

After maybe 10, 15 seconds later Astra finally ran up to me stood in front of me, causing me to stop, and grabbed both my arms and looked straight into my eyes. She was like when I first met her in the courtyard. 

"What's up with you?" Astra asked me with a strong voice indicating she wasn't going to back down anytime soon, so I just had some fun. "Nothing much, you?" I replied sarcastically a smirk plastered across my face. "Oh, yeah I'm great." She answers with a frown. 

Astra's hold loosened on my arms and for a second worry enveloped her facial features and smoky eyes. Astra's face softened almost completely and she let go of my arms and embraced me in a warm comforting hug. It was long over due and I melted into her warmth.  

I let out a content sigh and she hugged me tighter. "I missed you." Astra whispered. "I missed you too." I whispered back into her hair. We let go of each other and she smiled up at me. I smiled back and watched her as she circled around and hooked her arm with mine. And just like that it was like I was never annoyed at her for making me feel like I did.

We start walking together. "Are you ok?" Astra asked me. "I don't know it's kind of a miserable day you know?" I replied. "No seriously are you ok?" Astra said in a stern voice. I was not going to get out of that so I delayed the inevitable, though I knew if I asked her enough she might let it be. 

I used my free hand to grab onto Astra's as I practically dragged her around the halls to my special spot. I pulled her out of the front doors of the school and behind it. The whole time I was dragging her she had a confused face. We finally made it to the over grown wall of thick plants on the side of the school. Astra's hand shifted from holding the inside of my elbow to at her side. 


Word Count: 1335


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