Chapter 28- A Date

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Astra's POV

Draco held my hand as he lead me to the back of the taxi opening the door for me. "Thank you, love." I laughed at his formality. He smiled at me then closed the door and walked swiftly to the opposite side, opening the car door and slipping in, sitting in the middle.

Draco smiled at the driver through the review mirror and he smiled back and started to drive away. Draco's hand snaked to the inside of my thigh, and when I looked up at him he had a smile on his face. I smiled up at him and rested my head on his shoulder.

Draco kissed the top of my head. "Where are we going?" I asked him, shifting my head to look at him. "Well I've been doing a lot of research given I've never been here and I have picked a nice spot in town for us to have lunch." Draco responded, looking down at me then forward again.

"And where would that be? How have you had time to do this research?" I asked Draco, curious. "It's a surprise and, like I said, you slept for a long time." Draco responded, the smile on his face widening.

After around five to ten minutes we arrived in the centre of town. The Driver parked on the side of the road and Draco thanked him handing him a handful of money. He scooted out the taxi door and came round to my side, helping me out like the gentleman he was.

"I made him park a little out of where I am taking you so we can walk there together, and it's more of a surprise." Draco explained, squeezing my hand. I didn't respond as I smiled up at him, standing on my toes and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

I leaned my head on Draco's shoulder as we walked in the heart of the city. As we walked and talked I showed Draco things around the city, pointing out shops, restaurants, cafes. "Wait what's that shop?" Draco asked pointing out a bits and bobs shop. "Oh that's like a shop full of random stuff like collectables and sometimes stuff people have donated." I explained.

"Oh that sounds cool, let's take a look." Draco said, curiously. "Well don't we have to do the date thing?" I asked. "Well the reservation isn't until later so we have time." Draco explained smiling. "Wait reservation?" I questioned as Draco pulled me towards the shop.

I bell at the top of the door chimed as Draco opened the door to the small shop. Draco pulled me around the shop as he skimmed over the shelves of disorganised treasures. The smile on his face never faltered as a new item tore his attention from another.

There were cute dragons, crystals, glass jars, cute cups and tea sets. There were buttons, small books, a clothes rack at the back corner and even jewellery. Draco started retracing his steps picking up different items that he had earlier skimmed over.

He picked up two silver rings with black accents that looked really cool. They were exactly the same with lines all through it in different shapes and small droplet shapes as well as tiny engraved dots.

"Do you like them?" Draco asked turning around and showing me them directly. "Yes. They look so cool." I encouraged smiling. "Ok, cool." He smiled as he turned back around and dragged me back around the shop towards the counter.

Draco put the two rings on the counter and pulled a twenty dollar bill out of his pocket. "Just those?" The lady at the desk asked. "Yes thank you." Draco smiled politely. The lady kind of looked like a witch, which looked so cool and fitting with the shop.

She gave Draco the change and he pulled me out of the shop and stopping a few meters from the doorway. He turned around and held up the hand of mine he was holding. Draco slipped one of the rings on my middle finger. Then he took his own hand, dropping mine, and put the other ring on his same finger.

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