Chapter one

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                         A BOTTLE OF GIN 

"Mr Utterson! How lovely to see you again"
said Jekyll with a welcoming expression upon his face. He ushered his guest towards his lavish living room gesturing him to sit down on his old yet tasteful leather couch. The place was filled with simplistic decorative items such cutely potted plants and delicate vases which stood upon the unpretentious fireplace. Green  drapes hung over the windows like blue bells and the owner of all of this stood elegantly in front of the couch that Utterson would soon occupy.

"So how have you been since the you know-"

"I'd rather not talk about about it Mr Utterson, it was stupid of me to think such a potent potion wouldn't have side affects" Jekyll replied in a stern tone as he sat down next to Utterson placing his hand on the back border of the couch almost like his arm was wrapping around the smaller man, embarrassing Utterson.

"Utterson you're blushing~"

"What! Nonsense. Don't ridicule me!" replied Utterson harshly.

This act of innocence intrigued Jekyll and enjoyed the way Utterson would get flustered over the tiniest things especially if it was about him. So he decided to tease him further.

"What are you embarrassed about Utterson?"he said with a devilish smirk upon his face

"Nothing! This is a rather unnecessary thing to talk about."

"Am I sitting too close to you?" Dr Jekyll replied moving closer to Utterson completely ignoring what he said. Jekyll removed his arm from the back of the couch and placed his hand next to Utterson's. His pinkie reached his friends hand and stroked it gently.

"Dr J-Jekyll"

Jekyll chuckled to himself "we've known each other for years now yet you still act so rigid towards me"

"..." Utterson looked unamused

"Why so grumpy you can relax  I was joking" said Jekyll in a playful tone, soon after, he took his hand away from Utterson's and stood up from his spot and walked towards his cabinet reaching for a bottle of Gin.

"Would you like some?" He asked as he placed a glass on the wooden table


Jekyll smiled and started pouring the liquid into the glass, however the simple task turned into a struggle as he started shaking frantically. Jekyll couldn't  control his movement. His face grew pale and fear overtook him. Jekyll stumbled and fell on the floor spilling the beverage all over the expensive furniture fainting in the spot.

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