Chapter seventeen

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Unlocking the door to his home, Utterson draped his coat on the coat rack along with Enfield's. Due to to the rainy weather Enfield was completely soaked, it was quite evident that he caught a cold due to his uninterrupted coughing and sneezing. Utterson led him to the sitting room and turned on the chimney.

"Stay here whilst I get the bath ready"

Enfield nodded and focused his gaze on the burning wood in the fireplace. Why is he being so kind to me? Does he pity me? Does he think I'm a sick man? How can he be so forgiving? Oh my love! You truly are an angel! No wonder why you're called Gabriel!

"Alright the bath is set, clean clothes are in the guest bedroom, I had to give you my clothes unfortunately, they might be a little tight but I'm sure they'll fit"

Enfield turned towards Utterson and headed in the bathroom and into the ceramic bathtub. My I can't believe it! Gabriel washed himself here!- I must stop thinking like this or I might scare him again... Enfield rested in the bath before he started scrubbing his hair and washing is limbs. Once he was done he got out and pulled a towel around his waist. His wavy fawn light brown hair was shiny and defined, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and smirked. He made his way to the guest bedroom, it was just across the bathroom, he open the door and went in. The new clothes laid on the bed, Enfield stared in awe. He grabbed the jumper that Utterson gave him and touched every inch of it. He put the material close to his chest then on his face inhaling the scent of it. Gabriel, your scent still lingers on this, I'm finally getting to wear your clothes my love, I've dreamt of this moment. Enfield felt himself getting harder. I must control myself, I must...hopefully I can keep these garments. A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts, Enfield quickly threw Utterson's jumper on the bed as the door opened. Utterson emerged with a pair of socks in hand.

"I forgot to give you these" His gaze was met with Enfield who was standing half naked with his legs crossed in the corner of the room. Enfield is quite muscly I don't recall him being never mind- why is he standing like that?

"Mr Enfield why are you in standing so strangely?" Utterson placed the socks on the bed

"I-Uh, I like to pose sometimes" his erection was getting harder to hide and shuffled in the spot, his face grew paler.

"You're acting very peculiar Mr Enfield"

"Ha! Yes, I am quite strange" his forehead was starting to sweat.

"Are you alright Mr Enfield?" Asked Utterson walking closer to him.

"Y-yes I'm swell!"

Utterson was unconvinced, and side eyed the man in the corner.

"I'll be off now, sorry for intruding, I'll be in the kitchen"

Utterson closed the door behind him. Enfield let out a relived sigh and slipped the clothes on. He then headed downstairs to meet with Utterson.

The clothes were slightly tight on him but that didn't take away the pleasure of wearing them; The fact that his attire may have been uncomfortable didn't bother Enfield, he wanted to stay in Utterson's clothes forever, he couldn't stop himself from blushing. After reaching the kitchen he stood awkwardly by the door lovingly looking at the person infront of him. Mr Utterson was brewing a tea adding quite a lot of sugar in his cup and stirring it in.

"Am I that interesting to look at Mr Enfield?"

Yes, of course, I would look at you all day
"I- I" Enfield looked down in embarrassment.

Utterson smiled and shook his head. He placed the two cups of tea on the wooden table at the corner of the kitchen.

"Please sit" Utterson gestured. The two sat across from each other.

"Why are you doing all of this?" Asked Enfield

"I don't know, any person in their right mind would run, run away as fast as they could and never look back, but, I can't, I can't run away,"

Good, I don't ever want you to run away from me.

"Something within me is telling me to help you, as much as I am hesitant to do so- when you were in the bath I went out to get some information"

"What information?"

"Well, I was thinking of sending you to an insane asylum"

"An insane asylum?! I'm not insane"

"After what a saw at the park I beg to differ"

This is not good, I refuse to be put in the same place with mad people.

"Oh please think about this Gabriel, I'm eternally sorry for what I did to you!"

"The place is called Hearts House Asylum, I've already signed you up. I'm sorry Mr Enfield I'm just trying to help you, it would be evil of me to let you roam free with your head in that state. I'll forgive you if you agree to get help"

"W-what please,  I'm not one of those freaks!"

"They are not freaks Mr Enfield they are people with mental disabilities, they are outcasted by society we should show some respect...since it should hit close to home for you."

"Nonsense!" Utterson my dear you're starting to get me really angry. But wait, Let me just think about this, If I comply with his demands he'll forgive me... all I have to do is act my way out of that madhouse.

Enfield looked down at his cup of tea and took a sip out of it. "As much as I don't want to, I'll do as you say, if you think it might help me"

Utterson's face brightened up "do you mean it?" He replied


"Great! Ill help you pack, you'll leave in two days"

"Two days?"

Utterson nodded and stood up from his seat grabbing the now empty tea cups and placing them in the sink.

"Since I'm leaving in a couple of days...I was thinking of-"

A sudden knock at the door disrupted the conversation. Utterson walked towards it and opened it. There stood Jekyll smiling under his umbrella.

"Good evening"

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