Moving in

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I woke up and saw Donny sleeping beside me. I checked my clock. 8:50am. Donny had slept though the night. I just laid in his arms smiling at him. I was so proud of how far he's come. He'd yet to sleep though the night since he came home from the war. Every night we'd spent together since we began dating he'd woken up with nightmares, and as promised he'd always wake me and I'd help him though it. I actually enjoyed getting to help Donny though his nightmares. It calmed me down and helped me learn more about him and his and Michael's experience. When he woke up beside me when my alarm went of I smiled at him and turned the alarm off. "Sleep well?" I smiled, pulling him in close.

"I didn't wake up in the night, did I?"

"No. You slept the whole night. I'm so proud of you Donny. And all it took was you proposing to me." I chuckled.

"I love you so much Julia. Knowing you are by my side. It makes me feel safe."

"I'm glad I make you feel safe. And I'm so proud of you. I really am."

"Thanks Julia. I don't want this to seem too rushed. But I know how you didn't want us to move in together until we were engaged, but um... now we are, ummm."

"Yes Donny. I'd love to move in with you." I said cutting him off.

"Really?" He said shocked.

"Of course I do love. I've wanted to move in with you for so long. But I didn't want to because of what I didn't want to go against what I'd done with Michael. That's the only reason I said no. Which is why I didn't mind staying in the hotels with you or having you stay the night occasionally. But yeah. I really want to move in with you Donny. I love you so much."

"I love you too Julia. And I can't wait to start planning our wedding with you. And to get married and live our lives together." I put my hands to his cheeks and kissed him softly.

"I can't wait either my love. My Donny." I kissed him again and he kissed me back, pulling me in closer to him. I was so in love with Donny, more than I thought was possible after losing Michael. I thought I'd never love someone as much as I'd loved him, but Donny proved me wrong. What I thought was once in a lifetime I was fortunate enough to experience twice in a lifetime when I most needed it. When we pulled back Donny sat up and I laid my head in his lap.

"You are so gorgeous and beautiful Julia. I'm so lucky to have a woman like you in my life."

"I'm lucky to have had the two most incredible men in my life. You've both taught me so much and I'm thankful for everything." He looked at me softly and ran his fingers though my hair. "Anyway, I want to get up and go show Ma and tell her all about last night." I sat up and kissed Donny before grabbing some clothes from my closet and going to change in the bathroom. When I came out Donny was changed too. He kept a few changes of clothes here for when he was too drunk after a night out and I refused to let him walk home alone. I went and kissed him passionately and then took his hand as we walked downstairs. "Morning Ma."

"Morning Julia. Oh Donny, I didn't realise you stayed the night. It's good to see you. How was the gig?"

"Amazing." I said before Donny could get a word in. "Ma, look." I held my left hand to her. "Donny proposed to me after the gig. It was magical. And I'm so happy."

"Congratulations to you both. And Donny, thank you for bringing back the Julia I know I and love. When she lost Michael, I lost my daughter for a while. But you brought her back to me, and I'm so thankful for that. And I'm so happy for you both, I know how happy you make one another."

"Thank you Mrs Adams."

"How many times do I have to remind you. Call me June."

"Sorry. But thank you for giving me your blessing to propose to her. Umm Julia, do you want to tell her what we talked about this morning."

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