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I wake up and instantly put on my uniform. I go brush my teeth and then brush my hair. I loosely curl my hair and pin some back. I sigh and go grab my bag. I rush down to breakfast and sit down. I have some cereal and toast. I look around and Cedric is with Cho. I sigh and rub my hands together. Once I finish, I rush to Transfiguration. I walk inside and mum is standing at the front. "Morning, sweetie" said mum. "Morning mom" I said, smiling. "Your early" said mum. "Well, I have nothing better to do so I decided to come early" I said, smiling. "Ah makes sense. Anyway, don't worry today is an easy start" said mum. I nod and sit down. I hear voices and I instantly know it's Cedric and Cho. I sigh and look at my book. I begin to read, to at least know what we're gonna be taught today.

I head to Potions and sit down. Snape glares at us all. Cedric and Cho share my table. I sigh and read some books. Once we're beginning to make potions, Cedric and Cho are busy flirting to notice their doing it wrong. Their potions blow up, which I manage to avoid the blast. I roll my eyes and finish mine. "You two.... Chang over there beside Justin or whatever his name is. Diggory your staying here" said Snape. I look away and Snape looks at my potion. He looks at me. "Well done, McGonagall" said Snape. I nod and he walks away. I smile and sit down. I can just sit here, I may as well do some homework. Cedric goes back to work and I look away. I play with my ring and sigh. 

Once class ends, I leave. I head to the Great Hall for lunch. I have some sandwich's. I rub my face and sigh. I notice Cedric sits near me with Cho. "No, seriously Cho. Spend Christmas with me and my parents" said Cedric. "OK.... I will" said Cho. I play with my cup. I hear my name and Hermione Granger sits across from me. "Hi... I just.... I hope this doesn't sound rude but why do you not have your dad's last name?" asked Hermione. "it's fine and I have a joint last name but McGonagall is my main last name. Melody Hope Mitchell McGonagall. Mainly just go by McGonagall." I said. "Oh, right" said Hermione. I nod and she leaves. I sigh and Luna and Ginny walk over. They sit down and smile. "So, any news?" asked Luna. "Cedric invited Cho to his family Christmas" I whisper. "Oh... right" said Ginny. "I hate a one way crush." I said. "So do I but I moved on" said Ginny. "Yeah but it's him. I know his in the limelight and I hate the limelight but I like him" I said, whispering. Ginny nods. "Maybe go on a date?" said Luna. "No! No one notices me. Now shh" I said. I stand up and walk out. Ouch! I fall to the ground and look up. Cedric Diggory. "I'm so sorry" said Cedric. "It's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going" I said, standing up. "Um... your from Hufflepuff right?" asked Cedric. "Yes" I said. "Oh... your McGonagall's daughter" said Cedric. I nod. "Yes" I said. "Oh that's cool" said Cedric. "I should go, Dark Against the Arts is nearly on" I said and begin to walk away. "Wait! Are you OK? That was a hard fall" said Cedric. "Oh, I'm fine" I said. I walk away and go wait outside. Cedric and Cho walk down and stand behind me. "Hey Melody" said Cedric. "Hi" I said.

Cho glances between us. "Your McGonagall's daughter" said Cho. I nod. Cho nods as well. I sigh and we go inside. I sit down and Umbridge walks around. "Well, no wands. Just your books" said Umbridge. I take out my book and frown. I notice Cedric raising his hand. "Um.... Miss? But aren't we surprised to use our wands?" asked Cedric. "No." said Umbridge. I groan and then look away. 

Umbridge is a bitch and I hate her, as I leave the classroom. Once I finish the rest of my classes, I head for dinner. I dig in and then eventually go to the common room. I flop onto a sofa and begin to do my homework. Cedric walks in and flops onto the sofa across from me. "Hey Melody" said Cedric. I look up. "Hey" I said. "So, what are you doing?" asked Cedric. "Homework" I said. He nods and looks away.

I finish and clean it up. I head to my dorm and sit on my bed before I go put my pyjama's on. I slide under the covers and sigh. I instantly fall asleep.

Umbridge is a bitch, I wonder can I scream it!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Lorna xx

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