"Don't tell Kourtney he's not ready." Ricky begged, not wanting Hurricane Kourtney storming the room, "We'll get him there."

Connor peaked around Ricky and Red.

"Awww." Taylor gushed.

He looked adorable in his white suit and blue tie that he was tugging at uncomfortably.

"You look so cute." she said.

"No." Connor said in a 'duh' tone, "I'm handsome."

"Oh, of course." Taylor said seriously, "I'm sorry, you look handsome."

Dana and Carol appeared behind Taylor.

"Time to get this show on the road." Carol said, "Everybody's here."

With a squeal, Taylor followed Dana and Carol back to Nini and left Charlotte there before finding her seat in the hall.

Everyone got into their places. Ricky stood on the stage with Red, his father and the preacher. Music began to play and the guest ooo'd and ahh'd as Charlotte threw flowers down the aisle, biting her lip in focus. Connor made them laugh when he rushed down the aisle, crashing into Charlotte. The twins whispered angrily at each other until Gina went down the aisle and pushed them along. Brookelynn, and Kourtney followed after that and the music changed to the Wedding March when everyone had reached their mark on the stage.

Ricky's breath hitched as his soon-to-be wife floated down the aisle in the most beautiful dress he had ever seen. She smiled at him through her veil and he smiled back. She and her moms paused in front of the stage.

"I love you, moms." she whispered.

Dana and Carol lifted her veil enough so they could kiss her cheek.

"We love you too sweetheart." Dana said, clearing her throat.

"Who gives this woman?" the preacher asked.

"We do." Dana and Carol said, choked up.

Nini squeezed their hands before joining Ricky up on the stage. She took her fiancés hand as the preacher began to speak.

"We are gathered here today to join these two people, Richard Michael Bowen and Nina Isobel Salazar-Roberts in holy matrimony. If anyone should find a reason that these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Sweet silence filled the hall.

"Excellent." the preacher said, "Mr. Bowen and Miss Salazar-Roberts have prepared their own vows. Mr. Bowen?"

Ricky turned to his beautiful bride and smiled.

"Nini, ever since you slapped me, twice I might add, my world has changed. And changed for the better. You taught me how to be a person, not just an icon. I promise to spend the rest of our days loving you and your children. I promise to be faithful and true and to always put you first. Fame has nothing on true love."

Nini was very grateful for water-proof mascara, because tears were flowing freely from her eyes.

"Miss Salazar-Roberts?" the preacher said as Kourtney handed Nini a tissue.

"Ricky, I am so glad I slapped you. You totally deserved it, but it changed my life. You enabled me to trust again. I can happily say that you have my heart completely. I love you. I love that you love my children and that you think of them as your own. You opened my heart and I never want it to be closed off again. I promise to make the best of your fame. I promise to love you and trust you for the rest of our lives."

The preacher smiled.

"Can we have the rings?"

In true Connor fashion, both rings fell to the floor as he tripped over Red's feet. As everybody laughed, Connor scrambled to get the rings and popped up in front of his mother and Ricky. Charlotte looked scandalized.

When Hate Turns to LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora