Ch. 9

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**WARNING: this chapter has mentions of abuse. There will be a few more chapters through the story that also contain abuse. If you're not comfortable or if it triggers you, then please skip. This chapter is not so bad. Enjoy. **

She didn't cry until later that night, after she put the twins to bed. She just let it all out. Four years of it. Staying up all night with two babies and going to school and work. Saving every penny to make it through the week. Making sure she raised her kids right, without their father. Explaining that daddy loved them, in his own way. With wracking sobs, she started writing, tears meeting ink, a piano playing in her head.

What have I done?
I wish I could run,
Away from this ship going under.
Just trying to help,
Hurt everyone else
Now I feel the weight of the world is on my shoulders...

Once she felt like she had written enough lyrics, she curled into her blankets and cried herself to sleep.

The next morning, she felt lighter, but robotically moved through the morning motions of getting her and the kids ready. She was almost surprised when she found herself in front of Mazzara, Dean & Hughes Law Office. She needed to wake up.

"Hi, I'm here to see Benjamin Mazzara." She told the receptionist. "I have an appointment."

The woman nodded and ushered her down a large hall and into an even larger office. A tall man, who looked to be in his thirties stood from his desk and offered Nini a hand.

"Hello Nini, pleasure to meet you. Please have a seat." Mr. Mazzara said, gesturing to the seats in front of his desk.

"You too," she said, taking a seat. To say she felt out of place was the understatement of the century. He was wearing what was probably an extremely expensive suit, and she was dressed in ripped jeans and the nicest blouse she could find. It was in that moment that she realized she had made a severe lapse in her clothing judgement.

"So, where should we begin?" She asked, tentatively.

"Let's start with the divorce. Why did you divorce- what's his name?"

Nini laid the divorce and custody papers on Benjamin's desk.

"EJ Caswell. We divorced for many reasons." She answered.

Mr. Mazzara pulled out a note pad and glanced at the divorce papers.

"Irreconcilable differences. Such as?"

Nini shifted uncomfortably.

"Well for starters, we married young. Far too young. His family hates me, he wouldn't help take care of the babies and-"

"Could you state the names of your children, please" Mr. Mazzara interrupted, which Nini thought was kind of rude, but hey, maybe it was his process. Who was she not to trust it? (Get it? Lol)

"Charlotte and Connor." Nini replied.

"Full names and ages, please, Nini."

"Um- Charlotte Marie Caswell and Connor James Caswell; both 5."

Benjamin nodded and continued jotting down information.

"Please continue." He said.

"We were fighting constantly-"

"Define 'fighting'"

"Oh, uh... what do you mean?" Nini asked, although she had a pretty good feeling she knew what he meant.

"We're the fights verbal, silent, physical...?"

Nini looked down.

"Verbal." She said.

When she looked up, she found Mr. Mazzara examining her.

"Is that the full truth, Miss Salazar-Roberts?"

A lump formed in Nini's throat. She didn't want to do this.

Mr. Mazzara sensed her hesitation and sighed.

"Do you want to keep your children, Nini?" He asked.

"Of course!" Nini replied, a little too loudly.

Mr. Mazzara leaned forward.

"Then I need complete honesty."

Nini nodded. She could do this. She had to do this. For them. She just needed to find the courage to speak up.

"There were- a few- times when- when he..." she trailed off, unable to finish and becoming angry at herself because of it.

Mr. Mazzara waved his hand. He wasn't going to push her just yet. She needed to be completely ready and willing.

"We'll save that for later. This is just a preliminary meeting. However, we will eventually have to discuss this topic, Nini."

Relieved, she finished giving him basic information and made another appointment.

"I will do everything in my power to see that you keep your children, Miss Salazar-Roberts." The man said in his parting words, "as will Mr. Bowen."

Nini sat in the parking lot for a little bit. Her seat reclined, windows rolled down slightly so she could breathe, just trying to relax and not think about what she would eventually have to talk about. Suddenly, her phone rang, breaking her from her thoughts.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hello Nini"

She sat up.


"Yeah, hey. I was just wondering if Mr. Mazzara ever called you?"

"Yeah. I actually just got out of a meeting with him. We set up another appointment." She told him.

"Alright, good. That's all I wanted to know."



"Thanks." She hung up before he had the chance to respond. She didn't want to hear his ego explode over the phone.

More chapters to come. The moment is coming!!!!

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