Chapter 15

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Everything was dark and faded, Jayde's entire body limp and too heavy for her. Somehow, everything was shaking, her vision slowly coming to focus as her stiff eyelids fluttered and blinked. She could hear distinct noises and shouting, and while she couldn't make out any words there was definitely tension or suspense hanging in the air; a life or death situation must've been at hand. Jayde finally focused on her two brothers, Dean shaking her furiously while Sam reached above her, trying to cut the thick ropes that secured her wrists to the ceiling. She groaned, Dean instantly stopping his incessant shaking and simply holding her very tightly, his firm grip relieving part of the weight Jayde was under by her own body. Sam hesitated in his cutting for a moment to check on his sister, the young girl smiling and taking large breaths when she spoke.

"Took you long enough." Jayde tried to laugh but only put herself in more pain, noticing the tube stuck in her throat piercing her more with every little movement. Her eyes travelled to the blood bag next to her, wincing when she felt the pain of Dean removing the needle and at the realisation of how much blood she had lost.

"Hey, hey, Jay. Take it easy." Dean laughed, still holding his sister very tightly. Sam hadn't yet resumed his cutting and took a moment to breathe, his relief portrayed by the smile on his face.

"We thought we lost you for a second kid."

"Yeah, you almost did." Jayde groaned again, movement and life trying to flow through her body after being shut down for so long. Her brothers still admired her living form when out of nowhere two little blue lights appeared from the darkness, right behind them an evil face covered in tattoos loomed.

"DEAN!" Jayde screamed, the one vocal push draining her of a lot of energy. She tried to pull down the ropes that had been partially cut as Dean dodged the Djinn's glowing hand and Sam swung his knife, missing the creature by barely an inch. He swung again, only for the Djinn to pull out his arm and grab him in a lock, pinning Sam up against a wire mesh wall. Jayde was pulling as hard as she could on the rope, signalling Dean to go and help Sam before he got captured too. Just as the blade in Sam's hand fell to the floor Dean grabbed the Djinn's back, pulling him away to wrestle the monster off his brother. In an attempt, Sam was pulled away with the Djinn and thrown into several panels of discarded glass, the sound of his weight smashing against the fragments echoed in the empty warehouse. Instantly Dean was pinned against a staircase, neck enclosed in the djinn's tight grip and arms trapped under his own body. Jayde watched as the Djinn's eyes lit up an even brighter electric blue, still furiously trying to pull down and break the ropes that held her prisoner. Finally, the threading gave way and broke completely. Jayde's feet fully touched the ground and she broke out into a sprint. Even though her hands were still tied together she grabbed Sam's knife, her momentum the only thing keeping her balanced and preventing her complete collapse. She raised the knife as high as she could and threw herself forward, the Djinn's hand half an inch from Dean's head. The blade landed dead in the middle of the Djinn's spine, Jayde twisting it as far as her roped would allow before knowing for sure the monster was dead. The blade had been dyed a new red colour, hardly any silver visible once Jayde pulled the knife out of the body.

"Nice one." Dean smiled, struggling to shove the corpse off him to get back up. Jayde tried to pull one of his arms but immediately stumbled, absolute weakness finally overtaking her body. Dean caught her, sighing as he pulled her very close in his arms. Jayde felt exhausted, like she was about to pass out from blood loss and comatose. She refused however, trying to steady herself and stand on her own. She still held onto Dean's arm very tightly, his balance and strength becoming hers as she tried to regain some energy. He was patient with her, carefully trying to cut the rope that still bound her hands and only moving when he knew Jayde was steady on her own two feet. He watched as she took one step, taking his own after her. Soon they walked together, every step building more and more of Jayde's strength. Sam had managed to get up, cut in some places from the glass but otherwise quite alright. The two brothers almost made for the door when Jayde broke away from Dean, walking over to the young girl that she had seen so many times in her fantasy.

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