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* Please read this! The format of the story will not make sense if you don't :) *


Hi, friends. Thanks BUNCHES for being here. I would kiss all you fools if I could.

To explain the formatting of the story...
• Some parts of this book are going to be Story and some Scrapbook.

• Story chapters are just like they sound: they're the storyline!

Scrapbook chapters are the actual pages of Tommo and Hazza's scrapbook from this FF.
-It might be confusing, given there is going to be a story explaining each scrapbook page, but I hope it all starts to make sense as you read.
-The pictures at the top of the Scrapbook chapters are the pages Tommo and Hazza have made so you can actually see what they look like! (Obviously the real Harry and Louis didn't make them, but the Harry and Louis of this FF sure as hell did 😉)

• I will label each chapter at the top of the page to let you know whether or not it is a Story or Scrapbook chapter.

I know this explanation probably made absolutely no sense, but I think it'll click once you start reading. If not, do NOT be afraid to shoot me a good ole message!

Also, as a public service announcement:
This FF does take place in the real-life One Direction universe. I'm going to try my absolute hardest to accurately match the timeline of 1D, but my apologies if I do not. Some things and events might be included, and others will not. You might have to rely on your imagination for some aspects of this story...which if you're on this app, I'm sure you can do without a struggle. *wink wink ;)*
Also, as a disclaimer. This FF is fiction. It's based off of real events, but the story and events are not real. I am not trying to disrespect Louis and Harry in any way, or any real person that is mentioned in this FF. I'm doing this for fun, because I love writing and love Larry.


Anygays, that's all I've got to say.
I REALLY hope you enjoy, and if you don't, *sorry love, but I don't really care.* (Jk, jk). It might just not be your cup of tea, and that's ok ☺️

- A 💜

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