3rd place!

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3rd place on X-Factor.

Even after five boys all entered solo, by themselves, they each came out of the whole experience with a lot more than they came in with.

None of them had any sort of a clue where they'd be going afterwards, pushing away the thought that their time as a group together would be over. It was too soon to be over.

They hugged each other, hugged each other hard and brushed happy tears off of each others' faces, and didn't talk about or address the infinitesimal disappointment that resided in each of their hearts. They did the best they could, but knew they all felt that maybe if they did a little more, practiced a little longer, didn't goof off as much, that maybe that would have driven them to the very top.

But, 3rd place was 3rd place, it is what it is, and the boys were still entirely over the moon that they'd even gotten past the first round at all. And it really wasn't too shabby that they all had found each other, had each others' backs the entire way.

Really, no matter what was thrown their way in the future, even if they weren't as successful as they'd hoped or their dreams sat dusty in empty and forgotten corners, they had each other for the full ride ahead.

And, oh what a rollercoaster ride it would be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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