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(To make this clear, this chapter takes place on the same day Harry starts the first entry of the scrapbook, which is April 14th, 2013!)


Louis thinks everything has been feeling a lot different lately.

He knows why too, he just doesn't want to think about it for too long, because he knows he'll give in if he lingers on it. He always had, always would, and figures he always will......give in.

When it comes to him, that is.

Since tour started, it's been a constant scream in the back of his head. Much like the screams of the seas of fangirls at One Direction's concerts, but quite possibly 28 times as overpowering.

He's sitting on the couch in one of the backstage rooms at the Motorpoint Arena, and he realizes that now isn't a moment he can keep that little shit of a curly haired lad from wandering into his thoughts, because he misses him a little more than he would care to admit.

It's not his fault.

Really, it's not.

He had gotten pulled away and sat down just a little while before tour started. By none other than management.

It was a stern talk, a demanding one, and possibly one of the worst things Louis thought he'd ever have to listen to. He'd been sat down for this talk before, but it had been on a significantly larger scale of importance this time around.

The consensus of the whole thing, simply put, was that Louis needed to distance himself from Harry.

Some population of their growing fanbase had gotten too curious, too smart, too perceptive, and were beginning to believe that "Larry Stylinson" was more than just a silly little "bromance," and that Harry and Louis were in an actual, dating, boyfriend and boyfriend relationship.

Those certains fans weren't wrong, of course, but management had made it clear that they thought it had gotten out of hand, because two members of a boyband couldn't be gay or like each other in that way because the press and the industry wouldn't accept that and no one would listen to their music anymore and they'd be failures, and it was all because of Louis and Harry and so since he was part of the blame, Louis needed to stay away from Harry because they couldn't have anyone else, anymore fans suspecting anything, so that meant stay away, don't add gasoline to the fire, you're going to be spending more time with Eleanor, and blah blah blah.

Louis thought it was all proper bullshit at first, why would he ever let someone control him like that? Yes, he had always tried to protect his relationship with Harry, because he'd seen how harsh the world could be when it came to such sensitive things. (That didn't stop him from the occasional small public display of affection, though, because he really couldn't resist those curls sometimes.) But now management was asking him to practically become a stranger to Harry, to ignore him until the theories of "Larry Stylinson" ceased to exist from everyone's suspicions. To flat out end his relationship. The whole idea was quite infuriating.

The benefits of the idea became clear to Louis the more he had thought about it, though. It would take its toll, but he was going to have to go through with it. If only to protect Harry, and the other boys.

Louis knew of the unaccepting nature of some people in the world. He had seen it first hand, and so had all the other lads of the band too. They weren't without their fair share of hate and threatening messages. Which led Louis to know that if he and Harry did continue down the path they were going, that things would escalate even farther and they'd get hurt. Hurt by the public eye, because someone was destined to come around and disagree with the fact that two little boys fell in love with each other.

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