"Little early for a date, don't you think?" She asked, pulling out her notepad. I didn't understand what she was implying.

"It's a bit early for anything," I answered. I was still tired from being awoken by Michael banging on the window.

"This isn't a date," Michael clarified as I finally understood, going redder than his dyed hair. The waitress mumbled something that I didn't catch before asking us what we wanted.

"I'll have the flattened pancakes," Michael told the waitress. She put her hands on her hips, staring at him with a raised eyebrow.

"The what?" She asked him, as I clued in to what he had said. I kicked him under the table, trying to get him to clue in as well. He glared at me, still not understanding what he had said wrong.

"He means this," I told the waitress for him, pointing at my menu to show her. She nodded, frowning at Michael for calling their crêpes 'flattened pancakes'. I ordered as well, making sure to use the real names instead of the names Michael and I had given the dishes.

"Why did you kick me?" Michael asked me the moment the waitress walked away.

"Because you're an idiot," I told him.

We waited for a while for our food to come, the waitress scoffing when she handed Michael his 'flattened pancakes'. We didn't talk that much, eating our food in silence for a while. All you could hear was the scratching of forks on plates.

"So, what are you doing today?" I asked, trying to fill the silence.

"I'm going to Ashton's house later," He said between mouthfuls.


"Do you know any of my friends?" Michael asked me, raising his eyebrow at me.

"Well, there's me," I counted on my finger, "...and that's about all I know."

"Rude." He laughed, turning back to his plate.

I knew that he'd met a couple guys from one of his classes in school, but I had never actually seen them. Apparently they wanted to make covers on YouTube together, but I didn't think that would go anywhere.

"What are you doing?" Michael asked me.


"Today. What are you doing today?" He clarified as I nodded.

"Well, my plan was to sleep, but that didn't end up happening," I told him sarcastically as he grinned at me, "I might call Dawn and see what she's doing."

I felt for my phone in my pocket, but remembered forgetting it at my house. I would call her when I got back then.


The boy and girl who had been sitting down in the back booth for most of the morning, finally got up. Their waitress met the boy at the cash register, as the girl headed the other way towards the bathroom. The boy with the bright red hair sat down after paying on a small bench, waiting patiently for the girl.

He sat still on the bench, as the waitress watched him from over the counter. He stared at the wall across from him with a stone cold expression. The girl returned from the bathroom and the boy turned to look at her, the stone cold expression warming into a bright smile as his eyes lit up instantaneously. He didn't see the knowing smile that the waitress gave him as she watched him, he only saw his best friend.

The two of them got in the car, beginning to drive home. The boy serenading her with the song playing on the radio before he dropped her off at her house. She opened the door, turning to wave at him. She couldn't see him smile in return as he drove off towards his friend's house.

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