Little Kicks.

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I was sitting on my bed next to Michael. Michael had his laptop out and was sending out emails, while also checking different websites. I had a book in my hand and was trying my best to ignore him. Michael was mumbling to me, but I tried to read and not listen to him, but he was insistently asking for my attention.

"I don't want to talk to you right now," I told him, setting down my book so I could glare at him.

"Are you honestly still mad at me?" Michael asked me, chuckling.

"Yes," I mumbled, crossing my arms. Michael clicked on a new website and I groaned, scrunching up my nose in disgust as I looked at what he was on.

"Oh come on, Sophie." He laughed, trying to give me a hug but I pushed him away. "Oh come on."

"I'm being serious." I glared at him.

"We had a deal," He told me in a more serious tone before laughing again.

"Yeah, well. I refuse to listen to you right now," I told him, which only caused him to laugh harder.

"It wasn't even that bad-"

"It was," I told him, putting a hand on my swollen stomach. "We are not naming our child Michael Jr."

"That was a great name." Michael laughed, putting his hand over mine.

"The deal was that if it was a boy you could pick the name and if it was a girl, I got to. If they were good names, Michael." I glared at him.

"What's wrong with Michael Jr.?"

"I'm not having a husband and a son with the same name," I answered as he laughed, scrolling through his website of baby names.

"What about Axel, what's wrong with Axel?" He asked, pointing at his screen.

"It sounds like a name that Pluto and Mia would pick for their child. I'm sorry if I don't want to name my child something that Pluto and Mia might think up." I smirked at him. "I don't really trust their judgment."

"You won't even trust my judgment,"

"That's because your judgment came from a website called baby names that start with A," I told him, pointing at his screen where he had written in that exactly. I felt a little kick and put my hand back on my stomach where the baby had kicked me. "See, even our baby doesn't want to be named those names."

"He's kicking?" Michael asked, his expression changing from joking to serious as he placed his hand where mine was. He waited eagerly to feel the baby kick.

"Yeah." I moved his hand around my belly to help him feel the baby kick, but no more kicks came.

"Okay, but fine, you don't like the names I picked out and I don't like the ones you picked. Can we just agree on one?" Michael asked. "We can agree on two names or we could pick a unisex name together?"

"A unisex name? Deal, what do you think of-" I began to ask, but I was taken over by painful cramps. It felt like menstrual cramps but worse, the pain moving in waves. I grabbed at Michael's hand and squeezed tightly, the pain coming out of nowhere.

"Are you alright?!" Michael shouted as I squeezed his hand with all my force. I sat there in pain unable to move, trying to take deep breaths.

"It's happening," I breathed out, I had been preparing for this moment once it got close to my due date. I hadn't been prepared for this, though.

"We have to make sure it's not false labour, first," Michael told me, grabbing the alarm clock on the bedside table to time the space between my contractions.

It wasn't false labour.


Pluto and Mia ran into the hospital, it was the middle of the night, but they ran out of their house the moment Michael called them to tell them what was happening. The man at the front desk told them where to sit and they waited impatiently for some new news about the baby.

They had been waiting for about an hour before Michael finally found them in the waiting room. He looked tired, but incredibly happy, signalling for Pluto and Mia to follow him through the hallways.

"What is it?" Mia asked as they approached the room. All four of them had made their guesses on the gender of the baby, since Sophia and Michael wanted to be surprised. Pluto and Michael thought it would be a boy, where Mia and Sophia thought that it would be a girl.

Michael only smiled at them, not answering Mia's question. He opened the door so they could walk into the room where Sophia was lying on a hospital bed holding a little pink baby in her arms. The baby's tiny hand was holding onto Sophia's index finger. Pluto rushed to the side of the bed, pulling her girlfriend along behind her so they could finally see Michael and Sophia's child.

The baby was so tiny, it's red face crinkling as it slept, it's little hand still wrapped around Sophia's finger. Michael took a seat on the other side of the bed, smiling at Sophia and their child.

"What's their name?" Pluto whispered, Sophia looked away from the baby to answer Pluto.

"Her name is Jamie," Sophia whispered softly, giving Michael a smile. They had finally decided on a unisex name together.

"She's beautiful," Mia whispered, leaning her head on Pluto's shoulder.

The four of them looked down at little Jamie, thinking back on all the times they had imagined this moment. She was the newest addition to their weird little family; the daughter of two best friends who fell in love and the niece to two energetic aunts. Everything seemed so right, everything in place, Michael and Sophia finally had their daughter and their family was complete. They had a whole future ahead of them to watch Jamie grow.

It's funny though, how when all the pieces finally fit together... just how quickly they fall apart.

Life seems unfair, but unfortunately life is fair. When there is bad, good will follow to balance it out. This also means however, that when there is good, bad will follow to balance the scales. It's only fair, balancing the bad with the good and the good with the bad.

Michael and Sophia had had a lot of good and unfortunately...

life is fair.

The World As It Is ; m.c.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin