Decision of the Rabbit(2)

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It was really late that night, on one of the highest floors of babel 2 people were standing , one was a beautiful goddess , and the other was a white haired adventurer. After showing his back to Freya. He only  heared here little scream of exclamation , 

when he turned around , Freya was shocked and covering her mouth with one hand , Freya then take her eyes up and meets his. and askes .

Freya:" i never saw something like this before , i tried to calm my excitement, but i have to ask, who are you really bell cranel?"

Bell:" what do you mean Freya-sama?"

Freya:" your skills , your abilities ,and magic are so unique ,without talking about how you can resist the god's spells "

Freya:" you want to be a hero , isnt? how cute of you"

Bell was shy , because she only took one glance at his stauts to discover his goal .and also had a perplexed gaze bacause  his goddess  hestia didnt mentionned some details.

Freya:" your defence quick magic reminds  of someone i knew before, but there is also this skill with unknown name  , i need to check some of my books" 

Freya then gently touches bell's back and then whispers .

Freya:" you really are a beautiful one "

Freya :" Ottarl!" then from the shadows ottarl walked , bell was surprised because he couldnt feel his presence ( was he here all the time? i couldnt feel  even his breath!)

Freya:" take bell back " 

Bell:" then i ll excuse myself:"

Freya snorted:" where do you think you are going ?  you are spending the night here in my place"

Bell:" heeeh , but why?"

Freya:" just for safety " and she smiles 

Freya :" thank you for today , i really enjoyed our meeting bell , v.e.r.y. m.u.c.h" and her seducive tone came back . bell helplessly had a deap breath , ( i guess i cant run away from this anymore. i hope everyone understand ) then he turnes back , his eyes were fixed on Ottar like he's gonna eat him , the burning ruby eyes gave Ottar gosbumps for the first time in a while , it reminded with an adventurer he once admired along time ago. Bell( i will beat you Ottar , just wait there! no matter what!)

And thats how it ended freya's meeting with bell , but her plans were still not finished , in order to finish the job , she needed him to sign the papers in the guild , thats why she couldnt afford him leave or tell anyone else about this .once he do it , no one will be able to do anything, and even if they tried it i ll no longer be in their authority since bell has already signed for her familia by his will .

that night freya was really happy , she kept reading some books about the history of adventurers in orario , then after she  finished , she closed the book and walked out ,in certain direction . a certain person was in that room's bed , he wasnt asleep , or he couldnt sleep . because of what happened today gave him a bitter taste in his mouth , the taste of helpless defeat. for the first time since he was a weak level 1 adventurer he felt the huge gap between him and other strong people. he was in deep thoughts , he wanted to found a way out of this , but every scinario he tought about would end up his familia been destroyed , even if he manages to get somehelp and the situation grow up to a war game he wasnt sure , not he knew they wont have a chance to defeat freya familia , not with their current strengh after all (then.. the only thing left.....) he didnt noticed that Freya entered the room and she already changed in to her sleeping roob which reveales more than hides and with the moonlight on her body , her almost naked body was shining as a  blue crystal .

Freya:" why are getting that face?"

Freya:" dont think about it that much ,  if you are afraid your friends would call you traitor then dont worry , once they know the truth they ll understand , things like this happen often in Orario"

Freya:" you make me really look like a terrible person" then she get closer to him  and get her knees on his bed

Bell turns to face her with lost eyes , and then he founds himself in her embrace , his face was on her chest and he could feel her bair soft skin on his face . freya then whispers 

Freya:" dont worry ,from now on ,i ll be always here with you  , always"


Freya with sad look  couldnt help it , the little rabbit look always played on her heart.

Freya keep whispering :" if you give me sweet dreams , i ll let you play with them from time to time"

Bell didnt know wether he should be happy or even said . he just couldnt help it , he couldnt imagine the reaction of his familia members , or he was afraid really afraid of them.

after that , freya pushed him on the bed and held him in her arms and she sleeped , he tried to sleep but the situation was too much . when some drops of sleep came to him he founds out that it was already the morning .freya was still next to him , she woke up and smiled at him. 

Freya:" good morning , did you sleep well?"

Bell said in a hoarse voice :" g.good morning" he ignored the other question.

Freya then said :" i ll wait for good news from you today " 

and like that bell went out of babel tower really early in the morning , the dark night didnt fade completly , bell draged his legs like was going to his own excution , the weight that he was feeling in his heart was too much. with everystep in the guild direction he could keep thinking what he can do ,he couldnt find answer , the whole night. 

and he saw a bird flying up in sky ( it must be really fun  , being a free bird )for some reason the bird's feathers remind him of somone , a certain god he knew. then he remembered what hermes said once to him:( dont try to solve everything by yourself bell , you can always rely on your friends here in orario or down in the dungeon) for some reason his words were wise , but he couldnt help but it  ll be dangeorous if he drags his friends in orario in this ,it was  abig of a risk , then the only thing left is (i need to reach ledo-san and the others , if they were able to stay hidden , then i can too ) he gathered his resolve and determinated eyes and walks to the guild direction. some adventurers already went out early and passed by him.

when he almost reached the guild building he saw 2 people he knew were looking at him each one was on corner .

Allen:" dont try play any tricks brat!"

Hedin:" follow us ,and keep your mouth shut"

then bell walked behind them , they entered the 2nd floor of the guild building , less staff were here , then in an isolated room , Allen and hedin were waiting by the door and bell went in.

A certain guild member bowed to them and brought the papers and went in , he brought bell's papers and document of hestia familia  then he flipped to resign part and then looked to bell direction .

Guild memeber:" Mister bell , write you full name and sign please on the resignation request"

Bell held the pen , it was already no way for him to get out of this , he sighed again( godess please forgive me )

He quickly finished signing the new Freya familia contract ,and then went out , Allen turned to him and face him 

Allen:" dont try and do stupid things or run away , you are now a freya familia member , you belong to godess freya"

unlike Allen , hedin smiled to him and said :"welcome to our familia bell cranel"

Hedin:" please refrain from any activities until the official news gets out and stay in your home ,at that time freya sama will come and ask your godess to remove her falna from you"

with every words , bell felt like they were swords piercing his body and heart. he couldnt talk much , regret, weakness , pain , sorrow and all other emotions went into his heart and he dragged his body again , to a certain direction.

his familia house , before he reached , he saw a certain figure setting on the door steps , it was his godess probably waiting for him all night. 

and he walked in...........

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