Chapter 7||The Kiss

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Law's POV
March 15 2:56pm

I was scrolling threw my phone until I heard groaning I looked up and saw luffy waking up!

He sat up and quickly held his shoulder after doing that with a face of pure pain it hurt my heart a lot to even see him like this.

"Luffy-ya what happened?How did you get that wound? And I also have something to tell you"I said putting my hand on his shoulder with a worried look on my face

"Well I was attacked by what I'm guessing were robbers and while I was taking care of the 2 on the roof one of the other ones got up and stabbed me and what was it that you want to tell me?"Luffy said doing the smile I so very much loved on him seeing him smile made me calm down a bit

"Well when we did your X-ray We found out that you have..."I trailed off

"A Cervix,Uterus and Ovaries Right?"Luffy said Smiling

"H-How did you?"I asked

"Well I broke my arm when I was 6 and they did my X-ray and it showed that I had a cervix uterus and ovaries so when I grew older I've been avoiding the.. Sex department..."Luffy said blushing and he had a face of embarrassment I smiled at that

"You look so cute when you blush"I mumbled loud enough for luffy to hear he blushed even More and looked away grabbing his hat from the bedside table and using it to cover his face I chuckled at that

"Well you should probably text your friends and tell them your ok I texted them earlier telling them the situation"I said getting up

"You can leave this evening so When I'm finished with work I'll bring you home"I said opening the door

"Ok and Thank You for helping me Torao"Luffy said smiling I did a small smile

"You're welcome luffy-ya"I said I then left the room.

Time skip
6:07 pm March 15

I opened Luffy's door and saw luffy dressed sitting at the side of his bed talking to Zoro and Nami-ya

"Oh I'm guessing they will bring you home?"I asked at the door way

"I can't I have to go to my dad's dojo"Zoro-ya said getting up from beside luffy

"And I have to go to the bank and pay all the workers"Nami-ya said putting her hands on her hips

"Okay then I'll guess I'll bring him home"I said I then entered the room moving out of the way while Zoro and Nami-ya left I then looked at luffy

"Ready to go?"I asked he got up happily smiling at me and nodded

"Heh alright let's go"I said I then started walking glancing behind me to make sure luffy is following,he was so I looked back infront of me exiting the hospital I then walked over to my car

I then arrived at my car I then opened the door and got inside after a few seconds luffy came inside onto the passenger seat I then locked all doors once he was fully in throwing my bag in the back seat behind us

"Do you wanna get some ice scream first?"I asked luffy putting my arm around the back Luffy's seat,Twisting my body so I can see behind me I glanced at luffy and his cheek had a light pink colour on them I then did a small smile to myself

"S-sure!"Luffy said happily smiling while I backed out of the parking space

"Alright then"I said I then started driving to the ice cream place

time skip
6:34 pm March 15

I arrived in front of Luffy's house stopping my car luffy unblucked his seatbelt grabbed both my cheeks and gave me a quick kiss when he pulled away his face was a deep red and my face was shocked while turning a deep red

"Bye Torao!"Luffy said getting out of the car I was still there shocked while my hand did a slight wave

'Luffy just kissed me.The person I like just kissed me.Luffy likes me back.THE PERSON I LIKE LIKES ME BACK!'I screamed in my head I then shook my head getting control over my body again I then drove back home since I needed to text luffy

I arrived home and quickly rushed in my house running past the workers I ran up the stairs and into my room I then sat on my bed I pulled out my phone I then thought about what to say and started texting


Me:I Liked it

Luffy-:Liked what?

Me:The... Kiss



Luffy-ya:I liked it too😁

Me:Well I'm coming over tomorrow before work to treat your wound so we can talk about it tomorrow morning


Luffy POV
👑The Straw Hatz👑

Me:GUYS!!! @everyone

Everyone expect luffy:Yea?

Me:I-I-I just kissed law!


Zoro:Atleast you won't be the single anymore

Chopper:That's mean Zoro

Robin:Well what did he say after?

Me:Well I kinda left his car right after so I didn't give him a chance to speak

Everyone Except Luffy:WHAT!!?!

Me:Oh wait he's texting me

Nami:Ohhh what did he say!?!

*2 minutes later*

Me:*Sends screenshot of convo*

Robin:Aww I can already see you too being a cute couple

Nami:I know right

Zoro:Damn luffy I thought you were lieing you actually had enough balls to do that


Sanji:What's happening? I just got off work

Zoro:Back read babe


*1 minute later*

Sanji:I knew it!I knew it was gonna happen sooner or later!You guys better come to the baratie for your first date as a couple!

Me:I-I still don't know if he fully likes me

Ussop:of course he likes you he wouldn't have said he liked the kiss if he didn't like you!

Me:Well we'll find out tomorrow then!

Nami:Oh I can't wait to see how happy luffy is tomorrow!


Opposites||A LawLu Story||Luffy x LawDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora