Chapter 6||The Attack

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March 15 1:23pm
Luffy POV

Luffy's Instagram story:

Video #1

Luffy:*Laughing in his car*

Luffy:get to del taco! they got a new thing called Fre sha

Luffy:*Starts laughing*

Luffy:"Fr e sh A voca do"

Luffy:*Laughs again*

Luffy:FR E SH A-

Video cuts off

Video #2





Luffy:are you dead?



End of story

(this is law if you don't get the username)

🖕🏾INeverGaveAFuck🖕🏾Replied to your Story: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!😂

MEATLOVERLUFFY🍖🍗:Ouch that hurts T-T xD

⚔️GreatestSwordsman⚔️ replied to your story: Luffy do you wanna go to del taco and get some Fr e sh A voca do?😂


I laughed at the replies Zoro and Torao texted me about my story I then felt somebody shove me I quickly slide my phone into my pocket and saw that they shoved me in a dark alley.

I then used observation haki and I sensed 10 of them they then started attacking me 2 of them were on each roof with guns while the rest were down here with me

"Gumu gumu no... Gatling"I said I then punched the ones that were with me to the ground and then I looked up to deal with the two on the roof  they tried to shoot me but I dodged it and punched both of them at the same time but while my hands were up I felt something stab my shoulder I turned around and saw that one of the men got up and stabbed me I quickly knocked him out.

I looked down at my attackers and they looked like plain ole robbers I then pulled the knife out of my shoulder and I used observation haki and saw that the closest hospital was the heart hospital I quickly made my way there.

I entered the hospital stumbling while blood dripped on the white floor when the nurse saw me she quickly came over to me right as I was about to pass out from blood loss

Law's POV

"Doctor Trafalgar!Doctor Trafalgar!"I heard a nurse calling me name I turned around and she looked like she was rushing over here

"A patient had just come in with a Deep stab wound at the back of there shoulder and just passed out from blood loss coming into the hospital

"Ok where is the patient and what's there name?"I said running over to where the Surgery Room is

"There in the surgery room and the patient is Monkey D Luffy"The nurse said I was shocked,Surprised and worried

'Luffy-Ya...'I thought running over to the surgery room with her when I opened the door I saw Shachi Penguin and Bepo already in the room I then put on my mask gloves and apron.The nurse then left the room closing the door behind her bepo then turned on the green light outside the door meaning surgery in progress.

Bepo then did a couple quick X-rays of luffy after he did that I went over to luffy and started his blood transfusion, while doing the surgery  I glanced at bepo he looked shocked while he went threw the computer quickly while looking at the X-rays I then knew I had to asked him about it

Time skip

I was done and they were transferring luffy to a recovery room I then took of my mask,gloves and apron throwing them away

"Guys come and look at this!"Bepo said from the computer Shachi Penguin and I went over to bepo and he gave us luffy's Organ X-rays

"Look at  Luffy's Organ X-rays"Bepo said not taking his eyes of the computer

"Are you sure these aren't for a Woman because I see Cervix,Uterus and Ovaries....."I then trailed off seeing something else I saw gametes

"Wait... WHAT!?"Shachi Yelled confused I had a confused look on my face

"Exactly! Luffy has A cervix Uterus and Ovaries... I'm basically saying Luffy can give birth!"Bepo said he then turned the computer showing cases of men being born being able to have birth and how they can get pregnant We all blushed at that part. an image of Me and Luffy together With luffy holding a child in his arms flashed in my head I blushed a deeper red sending that to the back of my head

"I'm gonna go sit with luffy,Call me when I'm needed"I said leaving I could have felt there confused stares on me.

I then arrived at Luffy's room I opened the door and closed it behind me I then saw his phone near him and I heard he notifications going off so I grabbed his phone and there was this group called "The Straw Hatz" @ing him I then used Luffy's thumb and unlocked his phone I then went into the group chat

👑The Straw Hatz👑




Luffy: *Typing*


Luffy:This is Trafalgar Law messaging from Luffy's Phone.Luffy is at The Heart Hospital in a recovery room After getting stitches and A Blood Transfusion Reason Being He Arrived at The Hospital and passed out from lack of blood and the cause of that was a Rather deep stab wound in his Right Shoulder.I still do not know how he got that Stab wound since he has yet to wake up after the Surgery but I will inform you when he has Awoken.

Nami:Ok thank you Law

Zoro:I'm coming to visit now!

I then turned back off the phone,I then sat and stared at luffy taking in all the bueatiful details of his face.I don't know who would do such a thing to such a sweet nice and caring person I got angry just thinking about who could've done it because if I knew who did it I would murder them for even THINKING about doing this to MY Luffy!

Opposites||A LawLu Story||Luffy x LawNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ