Goshiki-stomach bug

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Hi hi!This is a request for crazy_pidge_fan (sry I can't tag them because wattpad is being stupid!) Anyways,Tysm for the request,and I hope you enjoy!


From the second goshiki started to come back to reality,he felt a bit off,he just couldn't put his finger on it though.Despite this off feeling,he got up and ready for school.They were playing date tech today and it was an away game,although it was just a practice match,he took it very seriously,after all,if he wanted to be the new ace once Ushijima left,he would have to practice hard and put effort into everything.So,he just decided to ignore this weird feeling as he headed out the door.Once he arrived at the school,he felt absolutely horrible,he actually wished he HADNT come to school,but what could he do now?He was already there,and he didn't want anyone,especially Ushijima,to think he was weak,because he couldn't even push through a practice match. So he just stood outside with the rest of the team as they prepared to board the bus. Goshiki had stopped paying attention until Semi called him once they were loading onto the bus, since he was the last one on he was sat near the front,right next to Semi.He had the aisle seat so at least he could get up, if needed, quickly and without having to go past somebody. As soon as the bus started moving Semi was out like a light,he was leaning against the window,softly snoring, however, goshiki was not so lucky. As if his stomach didn't already hurt enough,the bus just made it 10 times worse. Goshiki groaned quietly as he curled into a ball and ducked his head in between his knees. This would be a long trip.

~little time skip ~

About an hour and a half into the ride and semi had finally woken up due to a particularly rough speed bump, and it didn't help that they were in the front. Unknown to him the speed bump had affected the 1st year sitting next to him much more. Goshiki whined and curled more into himself.Semi looked to his right confused, only to be met with a shaking Goshiki. "Hey,calm down, what's wrong tsutomu?" Goshiki looked up to semi with glassy eyes and whimpered. Semi gave him a sympathetic smile and patted his back lightly, then he re stated his own question. "What's wrong?" Goshiki turned to him and whispered barely above a whisper "I- I don't feel good Senpai......" Semi placed his hand onto goshiki's forehead and immediately frowned. He could feel the heat radiating off of the younger boy. Semi sighed and began to get up."Okay tsutomu why don't you stay here while I go get coach Washijo" Goshiki's face immediately morphed into one of regret " no no no no no! You CAN'T tell coach Washijo! He- he won't let me play, and- and then Ushijima Senpai will think I'm weak and then how will I ever become the next ace-" Semi cut the young boy off to re- assure him. "It'll be okay tsutomu, I'm sure coach will understand and Ushijima won't think you're weak because you got sick, it's not your fault. Plus, you can't play with a fever tsutomu, you don't want to get hurt and not be able to play do you?" Goshiki shook his head. "Okay then, can you stay here while I go get coach Washijo?" He unsteadily nodded as Semi started getting up to go get their coach. A few seconds later Semi re-appeared with coach Washijo by his side. Coach Washijo had a sympathetic look on his face as he handed Goshiki a plastic bag, "Hey tsutomu, I heard you don't feel that well, we're going to pull over soon so your mom can come pick you up since she is driving behind to the game, it'll only be a little longer so hang in there okay?" Goshiki shakily nodded his head as Coach Washijo smiled and left then Semi sat back down beside Goshiki. "Maybe try and get some sleep?" his Senpai suggested. Goshiki nodded hopefully. He then began to lean on Semi's shoulder as he attempted to sleep whatever this was off. Semi put in his headphones as he decided to also try to grab some more sleep.

~time skip~

Goshiki jolted awake frantically, confused as to where he was and what was happeneing. He was covered in sweat but freezing at the same time. It didn't take him long to register the familiar feeling of his stomach doing somersaults, and the sweet taste of saliva in his mouth. He began to panic as he realized he was surrounded by his teammates that would all be there to witness the horrible event that was to come. Mid-way through goshiki's crisis, Semi began to stir quickly sensing the discomfort coming from the first year next to him. Semi was going to question his kouhai when he saw his small handed rubbing small circles on his stomach, and the look of discomfort on his face. The 3rd year placed a comforting hand on his back and grabbed the plastic bag in front of them. He then gave the first year a reassuring smile as he said "It's okay tsutomu, you're alright. You can let it out." and no sooner than Semi could get out his sentence goshiki bent over violently retching into the plastic bag as semi rubbed circles reassuringly on his back. After a few more moments of dry heaving goshiki decided he was done. By the time he was done, the bus had already pulled over into a gas station parking lot and coach Washijo stood over the 2 teammates looking sympathetic. Semi told the coach it was okay and he would take care of his kouhai and so he hesitantly left the two to go check on the rest of the team. Goshiki was still breathing shakily as semi helped him to his feet. "You alright tsutomu?" Semi asked concerned. "I- they- they all saw- they all think I'm weak- Semi- now I'll never be the ace, I'll never-" Semi finally cut him off with "Hey, hey it's okay they don't think you're weak tsutomu. Everyone gets sick, we can't control it. No one here judges you for being sick, in fact I'm sure they're all worried sick about their kouhai, so how about we go show them that you're all right, yeah?" Goshiki shakily nodded as they walked off the bus. The entire team swarmed the poor first year before coach washijo got onto them. The 1st year gave them all a small smile before getting into his mother's car where she was waiting for him. Before he did, however, he had to of course thank his senpai, "Semi-Senpai? Thanks for taking care of me" The third year smiled brightly before responding, "Of course tsutomu, it was no problem. Feel better" and with that the car door was shut as goshiki's mother started the engine and waved goodbye to the team. And from that day forward goshiki promised to never hide being sick again, because now he knew that sickness isn't a sign of weakness. Infact it's the opposite, it shows your strength and endurance to overcoming said sickness.

Ahhh hi guys! sorry lmao I have not updated in foreverrrr um yeah so I wrote the majority of this like a year and a half ago and decided to finish it just now. Sooooo enjoy ig lol and um yeah if it's not very good..... deal with it :p

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