Ch. 4: Not Safe For Work

Start from the beginning

He smiles and he looks down. He reads more saying, "Th-they... had plans... for e-each... other. They... w-were... planning this... all... d-day. Th-those two are n-named... Jack... a-and Mary S-Sue."

You say, "Why am I not surprised by that name for a fan fiction? Mary Sue." He reads more saying, "Th-they get... to th-their... favorite... spot... aaand... they sit down..." As he reads more, you realize what he's getting to and you hold back a blush. You say, "Keep going, Reggie." You look at him.

He looks at you and he looks down reading it saying, "J-jack... took M-Mary... Sue's... clothes off of... h-her. Th-then... his own... as w-well. Both... are... l-left com... com... p-pletely n-naked. And b-begging... for each other's... at... attention." You blush and you cross your legs. He grins as he sees this. He reads more of it to the point where you feel strange.

You sigh and you say, "Oh, you're reading that so well, Reggie.~" You look away with a blush on your face. He says, "(Y/N).~" You look at him and you grab his hand. He takes your hand. He says, "I know... h-how you feel... baby girl. I... f-feel... the same... way.~" You look at him and you say, "Reggie.~" He stands up and so do you. He says, "C-come... to my room... with me. P-please?~"

You grab his hand and you both walk to his room. He brings you in and he shuts the door as you guys get in there. You face him and he faces you. He says, "I... can't h-hold it back. You... have been... on m-my mind... all damn... d-day.~" You look at him and you say, "You've been on mine too, Reggie.~"

He pants a bit and he whispers, "Ooh, g-god.~" You look down and you're about to lose it. Something below him... had extruded. You lick your (lips/beak) and you look at him saying, "This is between you and me, sweetie. A little NSFW.~" He says, "N-not safe... for... work.~"

He pulls you close and you both lean in to kiss each other. You start to unbutton the front of your shirt and he pulls the shirt down from your shoulders, showing your bra. More between the two of you happens.


Days go by and these little 'sessions' keep going on between you and Bushroot with Liquidator and the other two out or not around. Nobody you work with suspects what you've been up to, either. They just assumed that his speaking needed some work and you needed to be there for him everyday for him to get better at it.

You and Bushroot are once again at his place. You're in his room as you both kiss each other. You pull away and you get upon the bed. You're in just your long sleeve white shirt with the buttons unfastened and showing your bra. Your underwear is skimpy too. Your hair's down.

You say, "Come here, my plant prince. Time for another lesson for you. I am your therapist after all. I'm here to help you.~" He grins and he walks over. He says, "Ooh... Y-you look... so f-fucking pretty.~" You blush and you smile as you look up at him. You scoot back and you beckon him to come closer. He crawls upon the bed and he grins saying, "Here... I come.~" You say, "Come get it, big boy.~"

Little are you both aware though, Liquidator ends up coming back. He's got Megavolt and Quackerjack with him. They get inside and Megavolt says, "I wonder how that therapist is doing with Bushroot." Liquidator smirks and says, "I'm pretty sure he's happy with her. More than that, actually."

Sure enough he's not lying. Right towards Bushroot's bedroom door there's moaning from both you and him. Quackerjack and Megavolt's mouths both drop open. Liquidator grins and says, "See?" Quackerjack says, "Holy crap. Are they... having sex?" Megavolt blushes and says, "Sounds like it."

They hear you moaning out, "Ooh, Reggie! I love you!~~" They blush and Quackerjack says, "Should we just go? I don't wanna stick around here to listen to... them." Megavolt says, "Me neither. Though with her, I wouldn't mind. No lie. She's hot. I just don't wanna hear Bushroot." Liquidator says, "Let's go wreak some havoc in the middle of the city. Leave these two to their little... session." He grins. They head out.

Moments later, you and Bushroot are laying back on his bed after your moment. You're facing each other and you smile and say, "Baby. I can't stand being away from you.~" He says, "I... need you... a-as much as you... need me. B-believe me.~" He strokes your face and you smile.

You both lean in to kiss each other, then you pull away. You say, "I love you so much, Reginald. So much. You have no idea. I'll even get myself fired for you.~" He says, "D-don't... do that. Y-you're good... at what you... do. B-but I l-love you... too. S-so much.~" You lean in and you hug him and bury your face into his chest. He holds you close and he smiles. You both stay like that for a little while.


Eventually though, your boss finds out about you and Bushroot. She caught on as soon as she saw the both of you at an Italian restaurant holding hands and him rubbing your leg. And you were on the clock. She's talking to you right now.

You sigh and you say, "Ms. Wilkerson. I'm aware of my actions. I just... love him so much." She says, "I know you do. I get it. You've fallen in love. But don't be doing that shit on the clock. Got it?" You nod and you say, "Yeah. I got it."

She says, "Listen. It's alright that you've fallen in love with your patient. And he loves you back. This is definitely not the first time this has happened with anyone. And it won't be the last. But if you two are gonna be having those moments together. Intimate moments... do that OFF the clock. Even at night would be a good time. Got it? Because you do that on the clock again... you'll be terminated." You nod and you say, "Yeah. I got it."

She says, "I'm telling you this because it's happened with me years ago." You say, "Come again, Ms. Wilkerson?" She sighs and says, "When I was twenty one, I was in love with my boss. Mr. Craig Fargo. He was buff. Good looking. Every girl wanted him. But it's me he chose. When we were caught at work doing you know what though... we were both fired. But we eventually ended up married and having a child. Sadly, Craig died two years ago. I miss that man so much."

You say, "I'm sorry. How did he die?" She says, "Heart failure. We have a son together. He's a teenager now. His name's Lucas. Just be careful, okay?" You nod and you say, "Yeah. I will." You and Ms. Wilkerson have a talk the rest of the time.

What happens is, you and Bushroot keep up your moments, but this time after hours instead of on the clock. Much to your surprise, your friend Darcy ends up falling for Liquidator. She found the man to be sexy as hell and he happened to like her back. So now they're together.

Bushroot moves out of Liquidator's place and he moves in with you. Darcy lives with Liquidator now. You and Bushroot end up having a child together. A son you name Seth Bushroot. You and Bushroot end up married when Seth is two years old. Then you have a daughter you name Maxine. Liquidator and Darcy end up with a daughter they name Lillian Flood.

(The end.)

A Silent Plant (Bushroot x Reader) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now