Ch. 4: Not Safe For Work

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Moments later, you're still at Liquidator and Bushroot's place. They insisted that you stay and eat with them after you've ordered pizza. You're all in the living room right now as you eat pizza and watch TV. Bushroot eats his pizza pretty quickly too.

You say, "My. You must've been hungry. Did you eat breakfast this morning?" He looks at you and he shakes his head saying, "N... no." You say, "Reginald. You need to eat some breakfast. It's important that you do, bab... ahem... Y-yeah." You look away. Liquidator smirks and he looks at Bushroot. Bushroot blushes and looks away.

You eat your pizza and you say, "I was hungry too, to be honest. I only ate a poptart this morning. I had to run a few errands before driving here." Bushroot looks at you as you eat your pizza and he licks the edge of his beak. He has half lidded eyes. He blushes, having dirty thoughts. He sighs and he smiles.

Liquidator says, "Say, Bushroot. A word with you?" Bushroot looks over at him, then at you. You look at them and you say, "If you need to take him somewhere to talk, go ahead. Just don't let your pizza get cold." Bushroot nods and gets up. Liquidator says, "You can guarantee that I'll have him back in a few moments, Miss. (L/N)." You smile and you say, "Thank you, Bud."

Liquidator has Bushroot follow him. They get upstairs and they get in Liquidator's room. Bushroot faces his watery friend and says, "W-what... is this... a-about... B-Buddy?" Liquidator says, "Is there something going on between you and the therapist? I'm just wondering." Bushroot shakes his head and says, "N-no... nothing... is g-going on... be.... tween us."

Liquidator smirks and says, "That's false advertising. Something had to have happened." Bushroot says, "O-okay... We... kissed. B-but... that's all." Liquidator chuckles and says, "Ah, you must feel like one lucky duck right now, huh Reginald? Ten out of ten people will agree that something more than just a kiss is about to happen."

Bushroot blushes and says, "N-no w-way. W-we just... kissed... is all." Liquidator says, "Denial won't get you anywhere, my friend." He puts an arm around Bushroot and says, "I can see it in both yours and her eyes, Bushroot. It's obvious you want her all to yourself. Guaranteed to 'satisfy' your needs, or your money back.~" He grins.

Bushroot blushes and says, "I... I've... n-never... done that... be...before." Liquidator says, "It'll be a great thing, Bushroot. I can see it... She wants you too. Come on. Let's get back downstairs and eat our pizza." Bushroot nods and follows him out of the room and back downstairs.


The next day, you're back at Liquidator and Bushroot's place. It's 5pm and it's just you and Bushroot right now. You say, "Reginald. I'll let you pick out any book you want to read this time. Doesn't have to be a children's book this time. I just needed to give you something simpler at the moment."

He says, "Th-that's... fine. Okay... I'll... I'll grab... a book... f-from the shelf. I'll be... r-right... ba... back." You say, "Okay." He gets up and he walks off and goes into his room. You sit there and you wait.

Right in his room, he gets to his laptop and he quickly gets online to find a fan fiction. He grins and prints out the parts he's planning on reading. He grabs the printed out papers and he chuckles. He walks out. You see him and you say, "You got something?"

He nods and says, "Y-yeah... These." He sits down next to you and you look. You say, "A fan fiction?" He looks at you and he nods. You say, "Alright. Read it to me." He smirks and you sit there with him.

He starts reading and he says, "T-two... people go in... into the... woods t-together... in the miii... middle... of the... n-night." You look at him. He looks at you. You say, "Keep going. I need to hear where this goes."

A Silent Plant (Bushroot x Reader) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now