allergic soulmates (winteam)

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Au in which team is allgeric to everyones touch until he meets his soulmate. Inclusing fansaty elements

To say team hated it was an understatement, every girl and guy he has dated has caused a reaction, he hates that he was born with this curse. Stupid ancesstors. You see teams great great great grandmother pissed a really powerful witch off and they cursed the family with this curse where everyone they touch causes them to get a red rash (unless they are their soulmate)

Team hated it most because he can't hug his friend or family and he cant date anyone.

" hey team welcome to the team" win says about to place his hand on teams wet and exposed shoulder after swim tryouts, team flinches away which causes win to give him a worried look.

" um sorry p'win um... You cant touch me i have a...conditon, dont worry its not contagious just please dont touch me" he says scared, win shakes his head and continues to walk towards team, he backs team into a corner and lightly touches the younger boy. Team braces himself for the imminant stinging pain that is sure to follow but it doesnt come, he looks at win quicky before pushing him away and runing out of the changing rooms to the open pool where pharm is waiting for him

" manow has gone to get you a win whats wrong?" Pharm says finally noticing the fearful look on his friends face. Pharm and manow already know about the curse so win knows he can tell pharm what just happned.

" win touched me" he pants out and pharm starts worrying.
" but theres no rash" pharm says looing over his friends body

" i know that must mean he is my soulmate, but im scared what if..if he doesnt want me" team says rubbing his arms

" its okay team lets go back to mine and figure out what to do?" Pharm says, they were about to leave when team rembers he forgot his bag, he quickly runs to the changing room and grabs it.

When they are at pharms after meeting up with manow and explaining everything, team gets changed and they discuss what to do, they decide the best course of action is to keep it a secret until team and win get to know each other a little more.

A few weeks later (because im lazy)

Its been a few weeks and team is pretty much sure that win is his soulmate, they have gotten to know each other more and team has fallen head over heels for the man.

"Team whats on your mind?" Win says as him and dean sit down at the lunch table.

" p'win just need to be somewhere" team stutters realising that he was thinking about the man jn front of him again, he grabs his bag and runs away compleatly embarrased, he stops in an empty corridor and leans against the wall to catch his breath. A few seconds later he feels a hand on his shoulder, he looks over fearfully but relaxes when he sees its win

" team are you okay?" Win says quietly.
" what do you mean p'win?"

" im talking about the fact that you flinch everytime someone goes to touch you and you never are at swim practise the day after if you are touched, its weird team"

Team has had enough of people calling him weird for not letting people touch him

" its not my fault im cursed" team yells, intantly covering his mouth when he realised what he had just said
" what do you mean team" win says looking confused

" i'm cursed, if someone touches me i get a rash all over my body" team explains leaving the soulmate part out

" but i touched you and you didnt get a rash"

" thats because there is one thing that can stop the curse, and thats you. If you touch me i dont get a rash if you admit you love me, the curse is stopped compleatly and i can touch others" team says looking at his feet.

" wait why me" win asks even more confused

" because youre my soulmate" team says and looks up to see a beaming win
"Thank god, i was scared you didnt feel the same" win says taking teams cheek in his hands before continuing " ive liked you since tryouts, i was just scared my feelings would scare you away" he finishes and teams eyes go wide, he lets out a giggle and win pulls him into a hug

" ive admitted my feelings does that mean you can hug others including other guys" win says obviously jelouse

"Well yeah but youre the only one i want to hug" team says pulling away

" good because your mine, the gods have decided that" win says kissing teams cheek sweetly

" im happy your my soulmate win"
" im happy too" win says before taking teams hand in his and leading him back to the table where they tell the others the happy news,

For the first time in his life team is genuinly happy because not only does his soulmate feel the same but he can finally hug his friends without getting that rash

Hope you guys enjoyed this one, please comment if you have any requests

The author xxx

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