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Alex doesn't know where she's going. Alex doesn't know if the CIA received her distress call or if they have an evacuation plan. All Alex knows is that she needs to run. Run and keep the baby safe and protected at all costs. This was easier said then done, especially when running from mercenaries with firearms.

She keeps the child clutched to her with her real arm, using the left to pull up a holographic map. A red dot would show her where the CIA evac helicopter was. From there she doesn't know what would happen, but hopefully she'll escape with the kid and get a ticket to Columbus, Ohio, where she will finally meet her parents. She was worried about how they would react when she appeared on their doorstep. Would they even recognize her through the scars? Would they accept her as alive or even as still their daughter? She must push these questions aside for now. She can have these anxiety-filled thoughts about meeting her parents when she's on the plane.

A beeping is heard from her arm map as a red dot appears. She looks up and can see the helicopter starting to find a clearing. Alex smiles to herself, feeling relieved that rescue has finally arrived, ensuring both her and the kid's safety. "We're going to be safe. Everything is going to be alright," she tells the kid, who is still crying due to the loud sounds of gunfire and now a helicopter. She does her best to cover his ears the entire way, but it's far from enough. If her ears were ringing, imagine how bad it was for him.

Alex ducks under gunfire from the mercenaries and sprints for the helicopter in sight. She hugs the child like a delicate football and turns her robotic arm into a grappling hook, pulling herself up into the open helicopter door. The mercenaries were clearly not hired for their aim or brains, because they seem to miss every shot on her. She smiles to herself about their Stormtrooper aim and looks at the child. Her heart seemed to melt whenever she sees his face, and she cannot explain why. There was some sort of attachment that she wishes she could understand and hopes in due time that she could.

"Just a little bit longer. Then we're free from all the bad guys." She tends to speak in a softer tone when speaking to the baby, another anomaly she can't comprehend.

Alex boards the helicopter and sees a couple of CIA agents already on board. They look like your stereotypical agents with the aviator shades and helmets with the body armor and muscles. Agents Sergio Ramirez and Hannah Johannsen are also on board and hand her a headset as well as tiny earmuffs for the child. Alex carefully puts those on him, and he seems to calm down, catching his breath. She takes off her mask and looks at the kid once again. That smile that Alex loved to see appears on his face, and she can't help but return it.

"I see the mission has been successful." Sergio says through his headset. Alex nods in response. "Good. We have your envelope of information at our safe house. As for your airline ticket, here you go. It's from LAX to John Glenn International. It'll take you straight to Columbus. We've also included a memo to TSA that you are to be permitted under the authority of the CIA. Lord knows how troublesome it would be for you with the metal detector."

"Thank you." Alex takes the plane ticket and puts it in a slot in her left arm.

Hannah looks out the window. "I take it that your cover was blown given that there are people shooting at us with guns and Jeeps."

Sergio looks down and can see the problem in pursuit of them. "Shit," he mutters to himself before ordering the other agents to relay suppressing fire.

"Unfortunately, yes. Apparently babies don't like being rudely woken up or hearing loud noises. His crying is what caused me to be detected."

Sergio nods and looks somewhat disappointed. "Should we go with plan B then?" Hannah asks.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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