I crinkled my nose in disgust as I put the t-shirt. The bloody moron gave me his shirt. It was so big on me and basically swallowed my figure. Despite my disgust, I couldn't help but smell the heavenly cologne.

It smelt like him.

I shook my heads and slipped the pants on making sure to tie the strings all the way up so they don't fall down. When I walked out of the bathroom, he was just sitting there reading the newspaper on the bed waiting for me. He saw me and sighed before putting his newspaper down. "why am I here?"

"I saved you." I scoffed loudly ignoring the ignorant way he raised his eyebrows. "What? You would have died. I didn't just carry you out of a burning building, but I brought you home and got a doctor. If anything, you should be on your knees thanking me and thinking of ways to repay me." Anger soiled through me. Not the anger what comes out of you as an impulse but a wave of anger that spreads through you until you are corrupted.

"well, if I remember correctly, I never asked for your help." His eyes darkened and he stood up towering over me breathing heavily. After a moment of deathly silence, he sighed pinching his nose. "You're annoying you know that?" He said irritated. I rolled my eyes then jumped back on his comfy bed. "And you're an irrelevant buffoon but that is something we both knew already." I snickered not caring his dangerous eyes what we're seething at me.

I made sure to show no fear. Fear is something you do not show, no matter what. And I would rather wait for pigs to fly before I fear him. He caught my chin forcing me to look at him. He held me strongly looking down at me furiously. For another moment he waited before he spoke confidently. "You don't really mean that princess." It wasn't a question it was a statement.

I furrowed my eyebrows questionably. I did mean that... didn't I? "Don't flatter yourself, your nothing to me but a stupid irrelevant buffoon. Live with it." He clicked his tongue. "You irritate me to no ends princess."

"I can say the same thing about you too princess." The side of his lips twitched as he continued to look down at me. I broke from his hold shrugging the new coldness that found me when I left his touch. "I need to get going. So, if you're not planning on killing me, I am going to get my stuff.... And you know... go home." His lips turned into a devilish smirk and he crept slowly towards the door then turned to me. I walked past him into the kitchen looking around everything.

"I must say the apartment looks a bit depressing without my art." He shook his head grabbing the pile of my stuff. I grabbed the pile of weapons not caring if I looked rude or how I snatched it. "Hungry?" I looked at him unexpectedly. Was this guy, my enemy. The guy who I have tried to kill on numerous occasions seriously asking me if I was hungry? "So you can poison me? no thanks."

He clenched his jaw and pinched his nose. "Princess if I was going to kill you, I would have done it by now. And besides, I like to kill people who have a fair fight despite what you think I do as a human being have morals." I couldn't help but snort making him give a puzzled look.

"Ok then Blaze, what is for breakfast?" I said smirking. His cheeks blushed lightly and then he rubbed the back of his neck looking sheepish. I couldn't help myself but find him oddly cute right now. "I um don't actually know how to cook." I shook my head as fits of laughter left me. "ok well, what food do you have in this boring apartment." He didn't answer me his lips just turned into a straight line as he thought.

I opened the pantry doors and then quickly grabbed the box of captain crunch. "Fear not and save your brain cells but I have got our breakfast." His shoulders eased and he took a breath of relief. Making me wonder what this guy was playing at. "Perfect I will get the bowls and milk."


His lips scowled while his nose scrunched into disgust. "What?" I asked shuffling mouthfuls of the sweet cereal into my mouth. "I do not know how Simon eats this stuff it is revoltingly sweet." He spoke while grimacing. I rolled my eyes and flicked his head which quickly turned his annoyance onto me. "That's the point Moron it is meant to be sweet." He ignored me then tried another mouthful looking more pleased than his first. "So, who is Simon?" He glanced at me for a moment before replying. "My friend if you will... You met him last night." I nodded and moved my spoon in the bowl before replying. "He was the friend who forced you to go to the bar."

His lips twitched up and he smiled at me. "Yes, he was I am afraid." I giggled and went back to my cereal. It was odd how comforting this was. I don't remember the last time I had ever felt so real and free. It wasn't like the time when we were talking at the bar. This time it felt more warming. It almost felt like I was talking to a friend who I have known for years on years.

"How are you feeling now?" I smiled at him. It wasn't fake or a forced smile, it was a real smile. "Much better actually, my headache is now completely gone," I said sounding grateful. He nodded looking down before looking back to me. "The headache was probably because of a small mild concussion. But I am glad you feel better now." I grabbed his hand on impulse. "I am glad too and thank you for everything." The words fell out of me on a spiral. This guy wasn't just the guy who I have been trying to hunt down and kill but the guy who has also been trying to kill me.

"You're welcome." Our eyes connected like pieces of a puzzle. Never blinking or departing from one another. His hand held me tightly as we subconsciously moved closer to each other. It was weird to hate someone but be so drawn to them at the same time. I couldn't help but remember what he said last night.

"Why can't I kill you?"

This time could I have been fooling myself? Through so many times, I have tried killing him. Was is it more than just a simple reason of 'couldn't' kill him? Or was it something more? Was it because every time I held the knife or held the gun something deep inside me was secretly stopping me? All this time had I really been sabotaging myself?

I retreated my hand as the headache now started to reoccur. My life now was just falling into a deep complete utter mess. It was a mess I needed to sort out and quickly. This sort of feeling has never haunted me before neither has it ever became a problem. So why now? Why now, when this is the time, I need it the least. "I must go now." He nodded and stood up from the stool grabbing both of our bowls. "Of course." I shook the hurt sinking feeling my chest and grabbed my stuff walking towards the door. I stopped just I reached and turned around smiling. "Oh, and Blaze?" He looked at me sceptically narrowing his eyes.

"Don't take this as a truce I am still going to try and kill you." He looked at me unaffected and smirked. "I wouldn't have expected anything different, sparrow."


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