chapter four

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CHAPTER FOUR: auditions with rosie

"ROSIE!" Rachel gasped. "No that is so stupid," Rachel had witnessed Rosie give Ricky the High School Musical Movie DVD to him and the blonde was curious. So Rosie explained the plan. "Why would you encourage that?"

"Best case scenario? I get EJ back! Worst case, Ricky's plan fails and I'm not seen as involved so I don't look crazy to EJ," Rosie smiled. "That and Nina and EJ stay together," Rosie's smile fell, she watched as the couple walked down the hall and she quickly looked away.

She didn't want to see the boy she was in love with be with someone else.

"You are evil," Rachel huffed. "That plan is so stupid, you need to tell Ricky to back off."

"Not my place, he was going to do it anyway, this way he at least knows the plot for the musical he's auditioning for," Rosie shrugged. Rachel shook her head. "Come on, don't give me that look. Didn't you eat lunch with EJ yesterday? I forgave you, now you forgive me."

"That is low, come on girly," Rachel grabbed Rosie and dragged her to class. "You need to just not think of EJ, time to focus on biology."

"I always think of him, it's called being in love with someone who doesn't love you."

ROSIE WAS SITTING IN her computer science class, the teacher, Mr Mazzara, was going over the lesson. Next to her, sat Ricky watching the movie. He'd try to lean over and ask questions but Mazzara would shush the two.

She could tell Ricky wasn't loving the movie, she couldn't understand why but she got lucky with EJ who loved musicals, they'd watch them all the time.

"Okay, Mamma Mia," Rosie started the movie and sat on the couch next to EJ. The two, for the first time since they began dating three months ago, were home alone. "It's only taken me three months to convince you to sit down and watch it."

"Hey, I said on the first date I'd watch it, but only with you," he put his arm around her and pulled her close, the popcorn bowl on his lap. Rosie would sing with the movie. "You should audition for the musical, you have an amazing voice," EJ hummed.

"Not denying my amazing voice but I can't act," Rosie reminded EJ. If she was being honest she never tried, she liked to watch not do. EJ shook his head, smiling at her confidence but also lack of confidence within the same sentence.

"I bet you would be amazing," EJ corrected. "I know you can act," he nodded. "Imagine if we could do a musical together? That would be so cool!" He paused the movie, Rosie felt betrayed there but watched as he moved the popcorn and stood up.

"Mamma Mia," she frowned but was grabbed and forced to stand up. "Why?"

"Think about it," EJ grinned. "You and me, getting to spend twice a week after school together, plus the time outside of rehearsal," EJ explained, Rosie shook her head. "Baby, listen, just imagine. Twice a week, we spend an extra hour or so together, we come back here, do school work, cuddle and watch more movies."

"I do like spending time with you," Rosie hummed. "Jack won't like losing you more though," EJ shook his head. "But as long as I get you more often, I'll think about it."

"Really?" He smiled, he pressed his lips to her forehead.

"But EJ, if you ever, and I mean ever, pause Mamma Mia again, I will be so upset. I probably won't forgive you."

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