T H R E E-"Hate me if you have to, just know that I love you."

Start from the beginning

I was making my way to my desk after a rough call, ready to type up the report and put the call out of my mind. The sight of the yellow flowers on my desk stopping me dead in my tracks. Athena walked past mega teasing grin on her face.

"Oooh someone has a secret admirer."She grinned, her eyes falling on my frozen form. "What's wrong, these orchids are beautiful."She touched the delicate flower softly.

I turned and ran to the bathroom, heading straight for the stall and threw up my whole lunch. I sat on the floor for a few moments,tears streaming down my face at the horrible memory.

I smiled at the blue eyed man tenderly, leaning into his touch as he moved a strand of my hair out of my face with his index finger.

"Did you like the flowers, my little dancer?"His raspy voice made me shiver, his hands wandering my body.

"I love them."I whispered, ignoring the disgust I felt when he touched me.

"My dancing lady."He whispered, kissing my neck. "Just like the flower."He finished, turning me around to bend me over the table. My eyes fell on the yellow orchid as he entered me, my body not resisting his as he had his way with me.

I flushed the toilet and moved to wash my hands and face,trying to take deep breaths to calm myself. I slowly made my way back to my desk, ignoring Athena's deep stare.

"You okay, sweetheart?"She asked, watching as I moved things around my desk and avoided the flowers all together.

"Get rid of them, please."I whispered, turning to take a deep breath and avoid her gaze. "Please,I don't want to see them anymore."

"Okay,okay."She answered,grabbing the flowers and moving out of my line of sight. When she came back she handed me a bottle of water, watching me with worried eyes. "You wanna talk about it?"

"Not right now."I whispered. She nodded and made her way to her desk across from rewatching me as we worked in silence.

"Come on, we're invited to dinner. Maybe it'll do you some good to see your firefighter."

Hen led us up the stairs,Athena and I following her as she announced our presence. "Hey,you guys don't mind that I Brought some company to family dinner? Athena's going through some stuff at home,so she could use some TLC. And she brought her beautiful new partner."

I watched Buck sag when he saw Athena,quickly standing when he saw me behind her.

"Well we don't usually allow cops at secret fire house meetings, but uh I'll make an exception."The captain smiled at us as the asian guy hugged Athena. He smiled at me introducing himself as Chimney.

The captain shook my hand as well, telling me to call him Bobby. "And this is Buck."He pointed at Buck as Athena smirked at him.

"Oh they're old friends."She teased, taking a seat across from Buck as he hugged me quickly,pulling my chair out for me. "You know I ain't sold on you yet, but I think keeping me and my partner from getting shot deserves a second chance. Won't be a third though."She teased as they shook hands.

Buck sighed and threw his arm around my shoulder as he sat back. I sat quietly as they talked about Buck and a rough call they had just had.

"..it symbolizes letting go, all the sad, crazy,inhumane things we've seen that day."Athena's voice brought me out of my mind, her words reminding me that what I did was for the greater good.

The bell rang in the firehouse, interrupting our dinner. Buck kissed my cheek quickly before they made their way to the trucks.


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