harlow took a deep breath, "well, hello boys."

the twins scoffed, "hello harlow." they said in unison.

"oh and by the way, harry and harlow, happy birthday." ron said.


the five drove all night until the car came to a stop early the next morning. they stopped at a tall crooked house, next to a small lake. fred was the first one to get out of the car, he walked over to the back of the car where harlow was sitting and opened the car door

harlow climbed out of the back seat, "thank you,"

"no problem,"

"come on! let's go before mom realizes were gone!" ron said.

"okay, follow me." said fred, motioning his hand for the other four to follow. fred led the potter twins through the entrance of the house. "come on. okay, come on. shh! shh! ok, come on. shh! come on." fred whispered.

harlow's eyes darted around the room, she looked at the kitchen sick in amazement, the dishes were cleaning themselves. she turned her attention over to a chair in the corner, where a sweater was knitting itself.

ron's attention however, was focused on the biscuits. "do you think it'd be all right if we had some of this?" ron asked his brothers.

"yeah, mum would never know." answered george.

the five of them walked into the living room. ron came up behind harlow and harry, "it's not much, but it's home." he said.

"i think it's brilliant." complemented harry.

"yeah, it really is splendid." harlow smiled, continuing to look around.

harlow heard a noise behind her, "where have you been?!" harlow turned around to face a mad mrs. weasley.

"harry, harlow, how wonderful to see my dears." she greeted the potter twins before continuing to scold her sons. "beds empty! no note! car gone! you could have died! you could have been seen!" she turned her attention back to harry and harlow "of course, i don't blame either of you, my dears."

"they were starving them, mum. there were bars on his window!" ron said, while fred, george, harlow, and harry were nodding profusely behind him.

"well, you'd best hope that I don't put bars on your window, ronald weasley!" yelled mrs weasley, disappointed in her son's indiscretions. fred, george, and ron exchanged panicked looms. "come on harry, harlow, time for a spot of breakfast."

mrs. weasley sat the five of them down at the table and gave them all separate plates of food, "here we are. now tuck in! that's it. there we go."

there was a loud banging coming from the stairs, a young girl with red hair emerged. harlow remembered her from platform 9 ¾, ginny weasley harlow recalled, that was her name. she walked up to the table, "mum- mummy, have you seen my jumper?"

"yes dear. it was on the cat."

the girl made eye contact with harry and then harlow, her face went blank.

"hello," harry said.

ginny didn't reply, she stared at harry for a few moments, then proceeded to sprint back upstairs.

"what did i do?" harry asked.

"ginny. she's been talking about you all summer. a bit annoying really." ron clarified.

the door to the house opened and in walked a ginger haired middle aged man, "morning, weasleys."

"morning, dad." ron, fred, and george said in unison.

"morning, arthur!" mrs. weasley exclaimed.

"what a night. nine raids. nine!" mr. weasley remarked.

harlow and harry's eyebrows furrowed, "raids?" inquired harry.

"dad works in the ministry of magic, in the misuse of muggle artifacts office. dad loves muggles, thinks they're fascinating." explained ron.

mr. weasley sat at the head of the table, he looked at the potter twins. "and who are you two?"

"oh, sorry sir. i'm harry, sir, harry potter." harry introduced himself, mr. weasley looked to harlow.

"harlow potter sir, nice to meet you." harlow grinned.

"good lord! really? well, ron's told us all about the both you, of course. when did he get here?"

"this morning." answered mrs. weasley. "your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to surrey and back last night."

"did you really? how'd it go? did you-"

"arthur!" scoffed mrs. weasley.

"i mean...that was very wrong, indeed, boys. very wrong of you. now, harry, harlow, you must know all about muggles. tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?"

"oh-" harry began.

"well," harlow thought, "there's not really one i suppose."

mr. weasley looked at her in fascinating, "really?"

before harlow could answer, there was a screech coming from outside the window, "well, that'll be errol with the post." an owl came flying towards them, only to fly right into the window. "oh, fetch it will you percy, please?"

percy, who harlow had only just noticed was there, got up and took the letters from errol. "oh look, it's our hogwarts letters. and they've sent us harry and harlow's as well."

"dumbledore must know you two are here. doesn't miss a trick, that man." said mr. weasley.

percy handed out the letters, fred took a good look at his, "this lot won't come cheap, mum. the spell books alone are very expensive."

mrs. weasley looked at the letter, "we'll manage there's only one place we're going to get all of this. diagon alley."

𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆, cedric diggory ²حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن