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A few hours have passed since we left my mother's room, and I can feel a light buzz as I take another sip of my wine. Julian and Asra are talking to one of Nadia's sisters, and it seems whatever they're talking about is causing Julian to be embarrassed because his face is flushed with a blush. I smirk a bit before drinking the rest of my wine. A passing servant kindly takes it from me before I turn to Julian.

"Let's go dance, Ilya," I tell him.

"Yes, let's," he says quickly. He says his farewell to the princess, pecks Asra on the corner of his mouth, and then takes my hand in his before leading us to the dance floor. When we join the rest of the couples dancing, the band starts to play a slow song. Julian grins at me before placing his free hand on my waist as I place mine on his shoulder.

"Sorry if I step on your toes," I say to him. "I haven't danced like this in ages."

"Oh, dear Rae, I'm sure you'll do amazingly," he compliments me.

We start to slowly move with the music, and it seems like we know where the other is going to step next. We dance in sync, silly grins spread across our faces as we pass by other dancers.

"Thank you for saving my hide back there," Julian says suddenly. "I'm assuming you weren't really paying much attention to the topic of conversation, hm?"

"Caught me red handed," I laugh out. "Whatever it was, your face was as red as a tomato."

"Yes, well, urm," he sputters out. I laugh more, almost feeling bad for teasing him.

"Was it a promiscuous topic, my dear Ilya?" I murmur to him, giving him a sly smile. He starts to sputter even more, and it's surprising he's still gliding across the floor. My eye catches Asra where we left him, and he's laughing at the sight of Julian.

"I jest, I jest. I had to tease you. You make it too easy," I laugh out before pressing a firm kiss to his chest. He lets out a small chuckle before pulling me closer to him.

"Maybe I'll explain it to you later, my dear. And I'll be more than willing to explain in great detail," he says to me, a devilish grin on his face. I can see the mischief in his eyes and I laugh.

"I'll hold you to that, Ilya," I say softly, grinning at him. Our dance lasts for another minute before the band finishes their tune, and we all halt to clap. I see Asra walk towards us before bowling lowly to me, holding out his hand.

"May I have the next dance, beautiful?" he asks me.

Julian nudges me gently before laughing as I take Asra's hand. Julian gives us a thumbs up before going to where Asra was once standing, leaving the two of us on the dance floor. Asra's hands take place where Julian's were only moments ago, and I place my hand on his shoulder as the band starts to play another slow song. Asra smiles widely at me before we start to smoothly move with the rest of the couples. I feel a lightness in my chest as Asra pulls me closer, and I can't focus on anyone else around us. I feel our auras start to dance together the longer we hold each other, and it's not like anything I've ever experienced. He leans down and places his masked forehead against mine and I close my eyes. I don't have to question my trust in him to not make a fool of myself. I feel his lips softly against mine, our masks softly bumping into each other, and I let out a quiet moan before kissing him back. I feel as light as air in this moment, and I don't want it to end. Unfortunately, the music comes to a slow halt and everyone stops moving around us. I barely notice as Asra and I continue to kiss before someone clears their throat next to us. We break apart and look over to see Julian, who is sporting a huge grin on his face.

"I hate to break the moment, my dears. But I'd like to also dance with Asra, if you don't mind," he says while looking between us. I giggle and nod, slowly removing myself from Asra's embrace. I get on the tips of my toes to give Julian a quick kiss before walking towards the table with a buffet all along it, turning to watch them. A servant offers me a glass of champagne that I gladly accept as the band strikes up a faster tune. Julian and Asra start dancing, one of them always hanging a hand on the other. I sip on my drink as they continue, a smile wide on my face. Julian suddenly takes Asra's hand, spins him, and then dips him low. While others are oblivious to it, I see Julian kiss Asra deeply, and I force the cry of joy down before it slips out of my mouth. Once back upright, I can clearly see a silly grin on Asra's face. I wouldn't doubt that he's blushing just as hard as Julian possibly is. The song ends, and we all clap for the band. The two make their way towards me with huge grins on their faces.

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