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After finishing up at the market, I head towards the Rowdy Raven, hoping Julian is there. Soon, I reach the tavern and I see a familiar raven perched at the top of the sign. I give a small wave to it before I head inside, spotting the mess of auburn hair automatically. I walk to the booth at the furthest corner of the tavern where Julian sat by himself. When I'm right behind him, I peer over his shoulder at the papers scattered across the table.

"Still helping the Countess with the aqueduct system, Julian?" I ask. Julian jumps nearly a foot in the air, startled by my question. He turns around, a mad blush spread across his cheeks.

"Rae! Why would you startle me like that?" he whines, putting his face in his hands as I sit across from him. I laugh and set my bag beside me, grinning at the doctor.

"Because you're easily startled, and you're easily flustered. It's hard to resist scaring you, Julian," I laugh out. "How's the progress?"

"It's great! Nadia knows what she's doing, so I've no idea why she's asking for my help," he admits.

"Maybe because you know Vesuvia like the back of your hand?" I suggest. "And it's easier for you to talk to the people, go out and see what needs to be done. The Countess can't exactly do that without a bunch of guards around her."

"Eh, you've got a point there. So, I know you didn't come to the Raven for the Salty Bitters, dear, so I must ask, why are you here?" he asks, taking a sip of his own drink.

"Master is visiting Muriel today, and he said we could close the shop for the day. I thought I should make the most of it and get out, spend time with friends if I could. I know Portia is at the palace, and I figured you'd be free from work, but I guess I assumed wrong," I mention, waving my hand to the papers on the table.

"Oh, no no, it's perfectly fine. I can store these at Mazelinka's and we can be off," he explains. "I'd rather spend time with you than racking my brain for hours on end."

"That doesn't take much to do, Julian," I laugh out, noticing the smirk on his face as he tries to glare at me.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Julian cries out dramatically, gathering the papers, grabbing my hand, and pulling me out of the tavern. I laugh as Julian and I briskly walked this way and that, quickly making it to Mazelinka's house. The house belonged to Julian and Portia's honorary grandmother, who also did green magic. Julian still refuses that she practices, and claims that it's for medical purposes. Portia and Mazelinka gave up on trying to convince him otherwise.

"Here we are, Rae! I'm sure Mazelinka will be happy to see you again. I know you've both been too busy to visit each other," Julian admits, stopping in front of a small home.

"She actually came by the shop sometime last week. She ran out of herbs, and her garden didn't have any ready for harvest," I admit. I see a small blush form on his cheeks as he lets out a small huff before knocking on the door. After hearing a few things shuffling inside, the door opens with a short standing woman wielding a wooden spoon in her hand as she starts to bark out.

"I keep telling you, it isn't- oh, it's just you, Ilya," Mazelinka muses, giving him a good once over.

"Rae is with me, too!" Julian laughs out as I poke out from behind his tall frame, giving Mazelinka a small smile and a wave.

"Oh, Rae, it's good to see you! Have you been keeping this doof in line for me?" she questions, moving out of the way so we can walk in. Well, I walk in, Julian has to duck to fit in the door.

"Of course, Mazelinka. He'd be a walking zombie if it weren't for Master and I forcing him out of the clinic," I chuckle out, taking in the small house around me. Along the counter tops and windowsills were hanging herbs to dry, bottles filled with soup or potions. As I figured, she already has a pot in the fireplace with a golden colored liquid in it. "What are you cooking up today, Mazelinka?"

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