All he was left with were broken arms and legs, and a big crack in his pride.

Each night was the same.

Failure by failure while the group of men became smaller and smaller.

"Why the hell should we men do this?I say sacrifice a woman too!"

"How about you sacrifice your wife then?!" Another yelled.

"What did you say?" The latter growled.

That night was filled with an almost neverending chaos of fight between the men.

"Enough you fools!" The village head warned.
"There's no time for this. Tomorrow we will come back and think of a plan. Meeting dismissed !"


Wheein being the mischievous girl would snuck out every night to eavesdrop on their meeting.
Ofcourse she saw everything that happened.

It was horrifying at first but then it intrigued her.
She made it her mission to know more about this monster.

One  night while eavesdropping her same old annoying "sibling" snitched.
She rolled her eyes at the guy acting like a five year old.

She was brought to the village head.

"You have some nerve listening in on our talk ,little miss." The old man glared. "Have you no manners? Women belong in the kitchen!" He yelled.

Wheein rolled her eyes at him.

"With the way you think this village is bound to be doomed."  She remarked.

The old guy slapped the girl to the ground.

"Watch your filthy mouth, you scum!you should be grateful i let you in this village."

"The only thing I'm grateful for is the fact that I know how to use my brain."

Another slap was heard.

"Sacrifice her to the monster." A woman suggested.

The other women agreed.

The village  head smiled at the idea.


Wheein was now tied on a pole at the place the monster always appears.
She struggled so get lose wanting nothing but to escape this nightmare.
She was too late as the monster arrived. 
The villagers were hiding while watching the scene.

Wheein stood frozen and waited for her death.

"I guess this is it. Goodbye stupid world."she mumbled.

The monster grabbed her and looked at her closely.
He sniffed her and then laughed menacingly.

"Such foolish humans. "

With the snap of his fingers a body dropped on the ground.

A woman screeched , making the others feel uneasy.

"No , no!" The men  yelled.


"You're finally awake." A dark voice said.

"What happened? And w-who are you. Wait, am I still alive ?"

"Calm down my wife. You're in our home. And yes , you're still alive."

"Oka-   sorry, what?"

"You are mine now. And there's no escape."

Wheein was rendered speechless.

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