""What do you mean?" is what your reaction say." Hatzling said as he smirked. "You might get hurt if you're near him. Of course, that isn't a good thing so, stay away from him. If he will to be proved as the irregular. I will terminate him." He said with a cold voice of him that even Khun felt a chill to his words.

Khun frowned. "I don't think i can do it. I also have a business with the slayer."

"You really are stubborn. Even though you might get hurt."

"I don't need such concern. Don't worry, im not that weak." Said Khun as he stand from where he is sitting and walked away from there. He then came back near the window were hatzling came and closed it.


"What?" Khun asked as he look back at Hatzling.

"Nothing. I just want to call your name."

Khun sighted. "So, what now? Is that the only thing you want to say?"

"Let us sleep here tonight." Hatzling said and smiled. "Okey?"

"Do whatever you want. You can sleep at the next room."

"I want to sleep here."

"HUH!? Are you kidding me?"

Hatzling then smiled and lay at his bed. He then look at Khun as if to tease him with a smirk in his face. His action was effective as Khun looks pissed now.

"Get off."

"No way."

"This guy!"

Meanwhile at Jahad's palace.

Jahad's chameber.

"How's the search?" Jahad asked one of his Commander.

"Sir, nothing so far. The Leaders are currently focused on the new slayer. He might be who we were looking for."

Jahad frowned as he doesn't like what he had heard. He felt that the leaders are being slow on finding just one irregular. "Call Edahn. Tell him to go at my chamber."

"Yes sir. Well then, if you'll excuse me." The Commander bowed to excuse himself and left.

Meanwhile Jahad went to his chamber and had a glass of wine as he stared outside from his window. "Arlene... Your son will come in my way and that is not a really pleasant thing. That is why, i'll do everything to remove his existence in my tower."

A little later, the door to Jahad's chamber opened. "You called for me?" It was Edahn. But, Jahad did not look back at him. ".... Whenever this day come you always drink and call for me. Are you still thinking of that day?" Edahn asked.

"Shut up Edahn. I didn't call you to hear your opinion." Jahad said without looking at Edahn. He then put down the glass of wine he was holding. "Go to the bed."

Edahn sighted and lay at Jahad's bed without noise. He then look at Jahad's back that is staring at the window. You really won't look back at here huh... He thought to himself as he closed his eyes.

Jahad then now look at Edahn but, Edahn's eyes is closed. He then sat at his bed and removed Edahn's hair tie. Jahad started to caress Edahn's hair.

Edahn felt gentleness in Jahad's hand as he caress his hair. That time, Edahn want to see what Jahad's expression look like as he do that to him, so he thought of opening his eyes a little.

Jahad felt Edahn was about to open his eyes. "Don't you dare open your eyes or i will kill you." He whispered to Edahn's ear.

Edahn flinched. He griped his hand. You really don't hesitate saying those words huh... he thought to himself.

Jahad continue to caress Edahn's hair. Everytime this day come. Jahad will always call for Edahn. Make Edahn lay at his bed while his eyes are closed. It was a condition Jahad set for Edahn. As, if Edahn just opened his eyes a little while he was laying at Jahad's bed. It will lead to his death.

Jahad's hand is warm... Is it true that the warmer your hands, the colder your heart is? Edahn thought to himself. ...How pathetic... How pathetic have we become Jahad...

Jahad then slowly removed Edahn's upper clothes. He then touched Edahn's face slowy. "Don't you dare make a sound."

Connecting their body like that. Edahn just remained silent and with his eyes still closed. Even if Edahn would feel hurt everytime Jahad will move. He won't ever utter a word nor make a sound. If he want to continue being connected with Jahad like that. I just need to bear it a little... is what he would always thought.

That night, Edahn woke up as he fell asleep after what he and Jahad did. Finding himself alone in Jahad's chamber, though his body is covered with blanket. He still feel cold.

"What's wrong with waiting for me to wake up?" Said Edahn. "You could atleast ask me if my body is okey or not. That bastard!

Suddenly a knock at Jahad's chamber was heard by Edahn. "Excuse me sir, here is your food. King Jahad said to deliver it here. Will you please let me in sir? The maid asked.

"You may enter."

"Thank you sir."

After the maid put Edahn's food to the table. She excuse herself and left. "You could also atleast join me in dinner." Edahn sighted. "I wonder... when will you look at me?" He asked as he forced a smile in his face.


I'll see you again, At the top. (Tower of God BamXKhun Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now