Chapter 23: Darkness

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Eventually, the jealous Queen discovered about the sea princess and her son meeting up from a servant who had followed and witnessed the prince visiting the princess. Now knowing who was the source of the singing she was constantly envious of the princess and plotted an unforgiving plan to regain the favor of her subjects once more.

When it was night again and the princess visited to see the prince the Queen had ordered the capture of her and the prince to be locked in his room. And so she was captured by guards hired by the Queen and dragged away from her home. There the Queen had personally removed the princess' tongue with a dagger and kept it in a locked box to cast out in the sea, leaving her in a flooded dungeon that was filled with filth and skeletons.

The princess, alone and wounded, cried out throughout the night to ask for her freedom but no one came. The kingdom was filled with the shrill wails from the princess, causing the subjects to be driven mad. The cries lasted for weeks, creating sleepless nights for the royal family and commoners.

The princess was heartbroken, thinking the prince had betrayed her. But her sorrow eventually turned to rage, craving, and desiring revenge. She vowed that she would have the kingdom suffer like she did and the royal family would pay for what they did to her.

Her cries suddenly stopped, bringing ease to the kingdom. The queen assumed that the mermaid princess eventually died from exhaustion and starvation. She checked the dungeon the mermaid was in but found she had disappeared, say for broken bones that were scattered underwater.

Many years lasted the prince had married a different princess from a nearby country, but he still longed for his former love.
One night he could hear singing from a familiar voice, believing it was his lost love he followed. It was stormy and rain poured violently on the kingdom but this did not stop the Prince. What he didn't know was that most of the men within the kingdom were also allured by the singing. That night hundreds of men were found drowned and with their tongues removed, and one of the victims was the Prince.

As the mass killings continued and people grieved the Prince the Queen had built a wall to completely separate the kingdom from the sea. However, the singing never stopped along with the deaths.
To this day, it is rumored that the mermaid Princess through her anger and grief from the Prince's 'betrayal' was transformed into a vengeful siren. She continues to lure men and those that carry the royal bloodline into the sea, removing their tongues as the evil Queen had. The only way she will be at peace is when she finds the locked box that keeps her tongue and the royal family's bloodline dies out.'

Angelica finished the story. "And that's why you don't piss off or trick mermaids!"

The group appeared slightly disturbed by the story. They probably expected a classic fairytale from Angelica. Instead, they stared at her like she was crazy.

"What? You all wanted a scary story."

Everyone was silent. (Y/n) who finished her beer through the story was red and learning against Peggy's shoulder. She didn't think it would hit her that hard. Then again since she drank it on an empty stomach it must have gotten through her system quickly.

"Okay! Okay! My turn!" Hercules bellowed out. He placed his head in his hand, taking it out in a dramatic fashion. "Let me tell you the story of––"

(Y/n) zoned out from his story, looking around and seeing Thomas and James talking amongst each other. James also used his phone as a flashlight so he could see while Thomas mostly was in the dark. It must be due to him being a werewolf that allowed him to adjust to the dark better. (Y/n) and Thomas met each other's eyes and they both smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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