Chapter 23: Darkness

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"Huh?" Peggy squeaked.

Angelica sighed, "It must be the weather. I'm sure the lights will be back."

Luckily some of the group had their phones to use as flashlights for temporary lighting.

"Okay!" John almost slurred. He had a stack of empty beer cans at his feet. "Why don't we use the darkness to our advantage?!"

"Like?" Lafayette and Hercules asked in unison.

"Tell stories!" John chirped. "Scary stories!" he emphasized.
Most of the people in the group rolled their eyes or sighed out of that suggestion.

Alex, who was sitting next to John and Eliza placed a hand on his dear friend. "John, I know we're supernatural and mythical creatures but doesn't that sound a bit cliché?"

John shrugged, smiling half drunkenly. "A little cliché  never hurts. Plus it's fun hearing scary stories from our different cultures!" Everyone went silent, thinking about it then agreed with sudden enthusiasm.

Angelica raised her hand. "Oo! Lemme go first! I got a good one!"

Eliza's expression grimaced, seeming to know what story her sister was going to tell. Especially Peggy who began to more frequently take sips of her soda to distract herself. Everyone, including (Y/n) leaned in closer to hear Angelica better as she prepared to speak by clearing her throat.

"Long ago, when monarchs ruled there was a kingdom by the sea."

She began, holding her phone's flashlight to illuminate her face.

"And in that kingdom, hidden in the depths of the blue sea where sailors spoke tales of monsters was a kingdom of mermaids.
The kingdom had a kind and wise king who had five sons and one daughter who he loved dearly. All his children had talents that fit their personalities. His daughter's talent was singing. She had a voice that was said to be sweeter than nectar and soothing than the waves that crashed against the sandy shore at night. The king, although loving towards his daughter, was overprotective, forbidding her from leaving the castle walls.

However one night the princess snuck out of the kingdom and to the surface. She had heard the many tales of the surface world. How there was an element known as fire that humans used as a light source, unlike her people who used creatures and plants that held biolumaniance elements. Sadly, fire could not be created under the water.

When she reached the surface the princess for the first time saw the stars. Unfamiliar with it she believed it was the same creatures her people use to light up the kingdom. To use it, her people would sing. So out of curiosity, she sang to the stars, wondering if they would glow brighter if she did so. She sang for hours and would return to sing to them every night. Unbeknownst to her, her singing could be heard by the surface kingdom especially the royal family. The young crown prince had fallen in love with the princess's voice and wanted to find her while the Queen was jealous and bitter due to her people worshiping unknown voice.

On one night where the princess resurfaced the prince had waited to see who had been singing and found her. Instead of fleeing, the princess was enamored by the Prince and they spoke to each other, falling in love. They continued to meet up at night every night in secret, sending secret messages hidden between the shore's rocks.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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