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Song: Dandelions by Ruth B

After Mike wins again they decide that they should head home. "We should go now" Mike says. "Yeah"
"How about we get ice cream on our way home?"
"But let's not go to scoops ahoy because I don't want people to know just yet."
"I agree." Then both boys walk out of the arcade and to a small ice cream shop. Mike gets chocolate and Will gets strawberry. "Wow this is good" Will says
"Yeah." Mike agrees "Let's go through the forest"
"Why?" Will asks.
"I don't know, just another way to get home." The real reason Mike wanted to walk through the forest is to hold Will's hand without getting seen. Both boys start walking avoiding trees and pointy sticks. "This forest brings up bad memories" Will says looking around nervously.
"Me too, but don't worry there's no demogorgan or mindflayer here." Mike says. Two minutes past of just silence. Mike looks at Will then slowly starts to move his hand towards Will's. Once Mike's hand touches Will's, Will looks down he sees his hand in Mike's. Both of the boy's faces turn a bright red. Neither of them wanted to talk, or at leased be the one to start the conversation. A few minutes past and they could see Mike's house. They almost forgot that the were in public. Will quickly let's go of Mike although he never wanted to let go. Finally they get to his house and enter through the basement door. "MOM I'M HOME" Mike yells. "OKAY!!" Karen yells back. "So what do you want to do?" Mike asks. "It doesn't matter to me" Will says. There's a minute of silence. "We could watch a movie?" Mike says.
"Okay" Then Mike goes through the movies and picks one. He picked Childs Play. "You picked a scary one??" Will says kinda scared.
"What are you scared?"
"No" Will says even though Mike can tell that he's lying. Mike just laughs and grabs a blanket. They sit on the couch and play the movie. Mike's parents were upstairs so he wasn't worried about being seen. And Nancy was with friends. So it was all good. During the scary parts Will kinda dugged his face into Mike's. Mike laughed every time he did it. "You sure you're not scared?" Mike asks. Will just gives him a look.

The movie finally ended and they went to the kitchen. They didn't realize that Karen had came down to cook dinner. "Dinner will be ready in five minutes" she says to the boys.
"Okay" Mike and Will both say as they go into the basement. "Can I kiss you?" Mike asks as he sits down on the couch. "Umm, sure" Will says trying not to blush. Will walks over and sits next to Mike. It's a few awkward seconds but then Mike leans in. It isn't like any kiss they have had with each other. It lasted longer. They stayed there until dinner, just sitting there making out. "DINNER" Karen yells. Mike pulls away and stares into Will's eyes. "We should go"
"Yeah" Both boys look down trying not to let anyone seeing them blush and go upstairs.

Hi, Do you want me to add the songs as a video into my chapters???🤍 Please comment if you want me too!

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