I Do

580 22 13

* Derek

Three words, eight letters, and the beginning of everything.

Its been a year since me and Stiles told each other those words for the first time.

I love you.

Today I will say two words, three letters, that signify the rest of my life with the person I love.

I do.

I'm fixing and refixing my tie nervously, how could you not be nervous on your wedding day?

"Derek, buddy, calm down. Your going to have sweat stains in your wedding pictures if you don't," Isaac said as he took my tie and of course tied it perfectly.

"I know, I know I'm just nervous."

"I know how you feel, when me and Scott got hitched I was going through the same feeling, but look. Everything went amazing. Stiles loves you more than anything so you have nothing to worry about."

Isaacs comforting words really did help, I guess I share this feeling with the entirety of the worlds grooms.

"Ok, lets get to that altar, Melissa wants pictures."

I groan in annoyance, I'm literally going to look like a nervous wreck in those pictures. Stiles is going to love them though.

I walk out to the altar and see all our friends and family, not really Stiles blood related family, but my family is his family now. Not to mention they completely adore him. I'm just sad my parents can't be here, they would have been so supportive and loving.

I stand there in a trance looking at the white rose and Lily flower arrangement that Stiles loved so much, I snapped out of it at the sound of music beginning to play.

A beaming Scott and Isaac walk out arm in arm, then Lydia and Jadis, followed by Erica and Boyd.

The air left my lungs completely. Stiles stepped in the sunlight being walked down the aisle by Marielle who was wiping furiously at her eyes.

Stiles dress was Lacey at the torso with matching puffy sleeves. The bottom was long and flowing. He looks absolutely beautiful, beyond words.

I feel tears prickle at my eyes seeing the love of my life smiling at me as he makes his way closer to me. When he finally is in front of me I stare into the intoxicating whiskey orbs that are blinking back tears of his own.

I gentle hold his hands in mine, "You look so gorgeous."

He looks down at our hands before looking up at me with slightly pink cheeks.

His chestnut brown hair is long and cascading over his shoulders, and his makeup is natural while scenting all his features.

The minister begins talking so I try to focus on what he's saying but its hard when I just wan to look at Stiles. I rub my thumb in a comforting, circular motion on the back of Stiles hand to help calm him down.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the commitment and love shared between Stiles and Derek. Marriage is a sign of permanence. It doesn't matter how loud you snore or how much money you spend while out shopping, because the only thing that matters is your love for one another.

Marriage is telling the one you love most that your not going anywhere, that you'll stick together through thick and thin. The paper that your official isn't what makes this special, because you can plaster up your love an its all of a sudden true. What's so special about this is the promise. The promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and until your last breaths. To love each other even more with the passage of time, even though you think thats its impossible to love each other any more.

Stiles and Derek, the vows you have prepared are a way to share your love and commitment to each other in your own words. These vows are your way of openly declaring your promise to one another as well as the family and friends who are here supporting you today.

I look back at Stiles who is smiling at me and I feel butterfly's in my stomach.

He gives my hands a quick squeeze and takes a deep breath.

"Derek, you are the only person I'll ever love. You saved me, from myself, from a future without love because your all I need. No amount of riches could tempt me because I already have the most precious thing in the world, your love. A year ago I told you that ever cloud has a silver lining and your mine.

Its the moment when the sun peeks behind the cloud, lighting it up. You've always made me a better person and I love you so... so much for it. I will never stop loving you Derek Tyler Hale."

A tear falls down Stiles face and I wipe it away with my thumb.

"Stiles, from the first time I meet you, you were completely irresistible. I didn't figure it out until I woke up with you in my arms. I loved you before I even knew it. I will forever be completely, and helplessly in love with you. I want to share. Life with you, wake up with you, and raise children with you. You are everything beautiful and good in this world because your you.

I love everything about you. Stiles if I'm your silver lining then your my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow."

I tying now to because I just love him so much. He's my whole life.

"Derek repeat these words after me," the minister said as we grabbed each others rings from our best friends.

"I give you this ring, as a symbol of our love."

"I give you this ring, as a symbol of our love."

"For today and tomorrow, and all the days to come."

"For today and tomorrow, and all the days to come."

"And know my love is present even when I'm not."

"And know my love is present even when I'm not," as I finish the verse I slide the ring on Stiles finger smiling happily down at it.

The minister lead stiles through the same vows and he slipped the band on my finger before holding it again.

"Stiles, do yo take Derek as your husband. For better or worse, sickness and health, and promise to be faithful to Derek as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"Derek, do you take Stiles as your husband. For better or worse, sickness and health, and promise to be faithful to Stiles as long as you both shall live?"

Those two words, three letters, and a world of meaning.

I smile down softly at my beautiful husband.

"I do."

The minister smiled happily, "By the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss!"

Stiles jumped on me and connected our lips in a slow passionate kiss.

"Its my great honor and privilege to present Derek and Stiles Stilinski-Hale."

I learn back in to kiss my husband, the sound of cheering fading in the background.

This is the absolute happiest day of my life, and promises for a lifetime of days with Stiles.

So this is the end of the book and I'm so happy to share it with all of you who have read and enjoyed it.

Love you all ❤️

You can go check out some of my other books if you want.

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