Chapter Thirty Seven

Start from the beginning

I left the house and locked the door behind me.

After using the stairs instead of the elevtor, I finally felt the warm breeze on my face.

As I started walking I walked by a shop Calum's loves. Its a T shirts shop and he just loves them.

Calum had a girlfriend for almost a year now but he still refused to let his parents meet her. He had kind of a commitment problem. He's just lucky Amy is being exramely nice with him.


Its been almost an hour and I slowly climbed up the stairs to our flat.

I unlocked the door as quiet as I could and opened the door.

When I walked into the living room, I immediately felt quilty when I saw Luke sitting on the couch with the TV on.

"I'm sorry." I walked over to him, knowing I'm the reason he's awake.

"Don't be." He smiled and when I stood infront of him, he interviewed our fingers together and pulled me to sit on his lap.

Both of my legs tangeled aside as I sat sidway on his lap, my brown eyes staring right into his blue ones.

"I think I have an insomnia too." He smiled.

"Why is that?" I couldn't help but smile too.

"Because I can't sleep knowing you're outside."

And as he said that I leaned to kiss him.

He kissed me back right away and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"God Ashton," He mumbled into the kiss and then leaned aside to lay both of us along the couch.

He wasted no time in pulling my pants down.

"Luke." I moaned and closed my eyes as he started rubbing himself against me.

He pressed his lips to mine and let his tongue slip in easily.

"We ran out of lube." He mumbled with a sigh into the kiss.


"Yes. How about you'll top?"

"Because we don't have a lube? You think I can't take it?" I stared right into his eyes.

"I didn't say that. Its just a bit hurt without the lube. It'll make everything feel more, sore."

"I can take it." I assured.

"You're topping."

"Seriously?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yes, now come on, I've been waiting for an hour for you to come back."

"No Luke-" I tried to protest but Luke cut me off by flipping us so I straddled him while he laid on the couch and placed his palms on my hips.

"You can do it without the lube? Wouldn't it hurt you too?"

"I did it befor, unlike you." He tried to hide the smile.

"What are you talking about? We've been dating since we were seventeen." I frowned.

"Yeah, but I still slept with others befor I met you."

"I was your first, and we never did it without the lube. So trust me when I tell you it mix with pain." He continued.

"I think you just ruined the mood." As I said that, he laughed.

"No, come on baby," he insisted as he pulled me down to kiss him.

"No games, just sex." He mumbled as he pulled my boxers down.

We did it a few times, when I was on top, but I could tell Luke was enjoying more when he was the one inside of me so it just stayed that way.


"Dean talked to me." Luke said as he kept eating.

"Seriously?" I sighed.

"He asked if we need help."

"What did you say?"

"No. I knew you wouldn't want to."

"He's driving me crazy."

"I can tell." He laughed.

"You're late for work." I glanced at the clock.

"No work today?" He looked at me befor putting his bowl down on the counter.

"After noon. There's an event tonight so I'll have to stay until late."

"Okay." He fixed his tie and then kissed me shortly befor going to the door.

"Don't forgot to call your dad." I reminded him.

"Okay." He smiled. He decided to get this story over with today and call his father, let him know that he doesn't want him to be at the wedding.

It pained me and I felt sorry for Luke's father but it was his decision and it was his father.

I heard the door being slammed and jumped off of the counter.

I walked to the living room and as I did the front door swonged open.

Luke walked back into the flat and took his suitcase.

"I almost forgot again." He smiled.


"Bye." He said as he turned around.



"I love you."

"I love you too." He frowned befor saying that.

"Everything is okay?" He asked as he titled his head lightly.

"Yes. Just felt like letting you know." I shurugged with a smile.

"Oh okay." He smiled and then left for work.

"Call me ten mintues befor you finish working and I'll come pick you up!" He yelled through the closed door.

"Okay!" I yelled back.

I decided I want to get a car as well and stop relay on Luke as my driver.

Luke won't like it, but that's an argument for Saturday morning.

The End.

That's it! The story is over and I really enjoyed writing it! Thanks for all of those who read and voted in every chapter

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