Sherlock Holmes.

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Sherlock Holmes always thinking he's better than everyone, well no ... not true. He is such a cruel cruel man not understanding what it means to have hated my father, I mean yes he has done some shitty things but still ... instead of leaving my father in the mud he could have at least been arrested.
I sit in restaurant eating my dinner two tables away from him and his goddaughter he looks after.
He's tall, black hair, brown brown eyes, muscular and well ... I can't believe I am saying this but devilishly handsome aswell.
His goddaughter Mia Watson is only nine. He looks  after her for his old friend John Watson. She's short, fairly pretty, curly hair, blonde, green hair and wears trousers instead of dresses.

I order Wine and sit sipping at it watching them. They just talk and keep laughing they seem fairly occupied and I don't think they notice me until Mia points at me and Sherlock turns around and frowns at me.
He stand up and walks over to me and just pretend to read the news paper.

"Hello, Miss my associate informed everyone that you have been constantly looking at us, I was curious ... do I know you?" He asks shaking my hand and smiling lightly at me.

"Oh, I'm Abigail ... I'm a fan that's all Mr Holmes" I say smiling at him.
He nods and shakes his head.
"What's your full name Miss Abigail" he asks sitting beside me.

"Um Abigail Hallow, pleasure" I say smiling and taking another sip of my wine.

He asks to eat with me and I don't deny. He calls over Mia who runs over. She talks to me about her friends and her new puppy, she's really funny.

"Wow, that's amazing Mia ... is the puppy nice?" I ask.
She nods fast and then drinks more of her milk.

"So Mr Holmes ... I understand you have had many run ins with Professor James" I start to say before he cuts me of.

"I'm sorry but we should be going, here's money , I'll possibly write to you, come on Mia time for bed" He says putting in his jacket and grabbing Mia's hand.

I watch them leave and I sigh. It was going great until I let my brain do the talking, fathers going to kill me.


I get back to my house, I live next to an abandoned house, not very abandoned, father lives there so he can keep an eye on me. I make his dinner and slide it though the walk to him.
"Any news?" I hear him ask in his gruff manly voice.

"What do you want to know?" I ask him.

"Did you find him? Who is he with? If you brought me up, and what he did if you did" he says.

"I found him in the restaurant I went to, he was with John Watson's daughter Mia, I brought you up and he got Mia and left" I say sighing.

"Hmm, well find him again and apologies, but tonight sleep" he says as I hear him much into his food.

I go to the shower and then get dressed. I lie in thinking over my plan. I heard he is doing some book signings, I have one of his newest books so that can work. I'll go in two days time and give him the book, he will probably recognise me and he will say something at least.

I don't remember falling asleep but I dream of my father killing Sherlock and I kill my father. What's that supposed to mean ... I feel as if it means something. Maybe I might be switching sides soon. Who knows?

I wake up and make my fathers breakfast. This is always my day. Get up make my breakfast eat it, wake father up, give him breakfast, get ready, tell father to get ready, leave house to do whatever, come back, eat lunch, make fathers lunch, leave again, come back, make dinner for both of us, sit eating it, tell father to sleep, I shower and go to bed. Yes it's tiering but I got used to it.
Plus all the fighting I do makes me nice and fit.

"Goodbye father, I'm going to go into town" I say closing the door.

Nothing who'd stop me from running away. Father is ill, and possibly injured. If he was injured he would be dead by now anyway so he's probably just Ill.
I go into town and get my tablets medicine. Basically everyone knows me, I always get greeted by at least one person.

"Morning Miss" the baker says.

"Morning Alfred, I hear Holmes is doing a book signing" I say picking bread and paying him.

"Well if your father was alive he would be wanting you to go to that" Alfred says.

I laugh and walk away. It was announced 2 months ago that my father died, not true obviously. I hate everyone talking shit about him when he is still alive.
I head to the library and stay there until lunch.

Hey everyone, so this is the hunt for my cousin ... um hope you enjoy it not just ma cousin but everyone ! Thanks-M :)

Just realised that Moriarty when he leaves clues for Holmes he signs it with "M" and that's what I do. Lmao.

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