She sighed, trying to stifle the tears that threatened to fall. EJ would be home soon, and he didn't respond well to tears.

"Come home. Come be safe."

Her father's words echoed in her mind. She wanted to go home, she wanted to be safe. She wanted to escape, but she didn't know how. Nina Salazar-Roberts escaped though. Maybe she would help her. She didn't want EJ to hurt Nini's kids either.

She jumped when the front door slammed, reminding her of how dangerous her thoughts were. EJ had had a bad day. She was in for a bad night.


Ricky was relaxing in his lounge early the next morning when his cell rang.


"Ricky, its Kourtney." her voice was frantic.

"Kourtney, what's wrong?" he asked, tossing aside his video game controller.

"I need you to go to the hospital. I'm forty miles away at my parent's house and I can't get ahold of Nini and her mom's are out of town."

Ricky shoved his feet in his shoes.

"Back up, who's in the hospital?"


Ricky felt his hear drop as he ran out to his car. No, not him. Not his Little Man.

"What hospital?" he asked, "What the hell happened?"

"St. Johns. I'm not sure. I'm the emergency contact if they can't reach Nini, but I've already told the teacher that went with him that you are coming. I'm on my way."

"What about Charlotte?"

"Still at the school. I'll keep trying Nini."

Ricky hung up and tried not to speed, the last thing he needed was to be delayed.

He ran into the hospital, nearly crashing through the front desk.

"Ricky Bowen. I'm here for Connor Salazar-Roberts."

The receptionist nodded, made a call, and then handed him a visitor's badge. He felt as though the process took years.

"Room 14."

The receptionist unlocked the doors and he ran through them. He found room 14 and burst into the room. Connor was asleep; at least, Ricky hoped that he was. A young woman stood, the teacher.

"What happened?" he asked, pleasantries the last thing on his mind.

"He started to have severe stomach pain, he couldn't even stand. The doctor thinks it might be his appendix. They did some testing and gave him some pain medicine."

"It is his appendix." A man in a lab coat said, "We are going to have to operate. Who are you sir?"

"I'm Ricky Bowen. Connor's mother is my girlfriend. Myself and her best friend have been trying to reach her."

Suddenly Nini burst into the room, tears running down her face. Ricky caught her.

"Slow down. Deep breaths." he said, "This is Nina Salazar-Eoberts, his mother."

"I'm so sorry. I turned my phone off for class and I didn't turn it back on." she went over and kissed her son's forehead.

"Miss Salazar-Roberts."

Nini turned back, finally noticed the doctor. Ricky held her as the doctor explained the diagnosis and the procedure. He asked the necessary questions and eventually they were transferred to a room upstairs. The surgery was scheduled for later that night. Kourtney called to say that she was back in town and would take care of Charlotte. Ricky and Nini sat quietly in the uncomfortable chairs provided.

"I was so scared." he said finally.

"Thank you for coming." she said, reaching over and squeezing her boyfriend's hand.

"Not a problem at all." he said earnestly, "I love Connor. I'd do anything for him. Anything for you."

And as it usually does with hospitals, it took forever, but Connor was eventually rolled away for surgery. They waited together for four long hours. They were so relieved when the doctor informed them that Connor made it through just fine and would wake up within the hour. Around 3 a.m. Connor's eyes fluttered open.

"Hey Little Man." Ricky whispered, Nini had fallen asleep.

Connor yawned, but lifted his hand and waved.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Sleepy." Connor said, "Goodnight Daddy."

Ricky stopped breathing as Connor drifted off once again.


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